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Everything posted by carpfisherlee

  1. a good few waters are iced up round here.
  2. sorry lads hitchin and biggleswade angling club , got a couple a few decent waters . a couple that should be up your street . a few other clubs in the area as well with alsorts of waters . edited to add just spotted the her indoors comment so i guess you have a car , try Luton another good club about 40min drive for you to beckerings or up the a1 to north house 3/4 30+ carp in there with a good head of back up fish as well . sound bailiff up there who will put you on the right track . Luton also has the canal brilliant fishery bit of a treck but worth it , if you fish it this time of year fish and hour a spot then move untill you catch or bait 6/7 spots a few times then fish them on the same principle , the chance of a 20/30 or if you are lucky maybe bigger . once the water has a bit of warmth about it they move more in there and you can sit it out and wait for them .
  3. h&b is a club worth looking at , couple of pits about 15mins drive away one heavily stocked one not so . good chance of a fish up there . you have stanbrough down the road (not my cup of tea) also verulam have a few waters not to far from the nage , good club with lots on offer . few more warters bit further away , also fairlands should be up and running again soon .
  4. A load of old tosh mate , learn early that 99% of the rubbish in mags is just that rubbish . keep it simple with simple rigs that you have confidence in and you will catch a lot more than trying out all the latest rigs.
  5. Nothing more than a gimmick to remove money from peoples pockets . Ps If you want to try it ive heard people use them fizzing vitamin c tablets
  6. "farlows" Thats were you want to get mate by the m25
  7. Nothing wrong with freezer burn imho , Used tons of boiles were it has got burnt never stopped the fish eating them !! . You are right about freezeing them in some juice though stops them drying out when you go fishing . I freeze my particles up in kilo bags so i know how much i have taken and how much ive put in for future sessions . Ps If freezer burn really worrys you line your freezer with cardboard so the bait does not touch the freezer wall and you will stop it .
  8. How do you mean mate? All the fish the otters are taking in the area ,I am hearing of more fish found dead every few days all along the ouse . Yet the club are still talking about if they should put a protective fence around north house . With the stamp of fish in there the fence should have been up last year imho . To be dithering as to what to do about the fence is negligence imho . And samcfc if you enjoy the syndicate on there good for you not for me , I hope theyve got a good fence around it them ivel otters will make short work of there stock !
  9. waste of money , few sessions there and you can get a whole years fishing with l.a.c . might not be any fish left in some of there waters but still worth if for beckerings and the canal .
  10. good water plenty of fish to go at ( down fall the top weights never seem to go up ! ) you will catch a good few close in most baits will work down there . i normaly fish down there till they start pumping water out then i move of to other places .
  11. Yep some good trees to sit , i wouldnt worry about baiting campaign's baits in the right place will do the job . litter and fools can be a problem but i am told the new baliffs have been on the case and have sorted . if you are going for a wander take a bit of bait you might be able to tempt them into feeding .
  12. web site is a pile of poo i will give you that ! i have panoramic's of the whole lake but no scanner other why's i would stick them up for you , yep its a nice mature lake but its a excellent venue all sorts in there to learn and teach you . not massive fish by todays standards but a good stock to mid thirties . it went down hill a few years ago ( ie fish thefts ect ect) but i am told now that there are new baliffs who have sorted it out . for the money its very good value and if it was not so far away from me now i would still fish it because of how much fun i had there and enjoyed myself . if your looking for a challenge it could be the water for you , not sure on whats left but they is some proper old school deep chestnut coloured beasts in there . google is your friend ! not me but you can see what some of the fish are like http://www.bigcarp.net/showphoto.php/photo/452/size/big/cat//date/1226234771 http://www.thefishingzone.org/carp_gallery.html edited again funnily enough six scale is on the first link !! when fish like that get stolen people get upset .
  13. its not meant in a hostile way , just the truth why i am not going to drive to get photo's of my mates to put up ! . look on carpforum think there is a thread on there about it . but back to woburn i meant what i said get down there if you are after a new water you will learn so much its unreal . ive spent hours down there watching them feed , it taught me so much . sorry if you thought that was hostile ,just telling it as it is , save your dollar much better clubs around than ampthill imho .
  14. in a word no , i am not going through a load of hassle to get pics get to a scanner take a copy of said pics just to put up on here for you to see . no offence mate but i dont have enough hours in the day to do what i want with out driving all over bedfordshire to get pictures for some fella on the internet . its fact fish have been stolen and put in there waters , if you spread your wings get down the water were the fish were stolen i am sure someone will show you the fact , ask about a fish called six scale ! . get yourself down woburn , from what i can gather from your posts you are newish to carp fishing ? you will learn more fishing and watching down there in a couple of seasons than some do in a lifetime . i gaurantee it will set you in good stead for the rest of your carp fishing career .
  15. 100% fact pictures of carp from its home then it pops up somewere else , scum bag fish thiefs . the club no about it and have not done a thing .,
  16. the good thing about that club is you get to fish for stolen fish !! scum bags
  17. http://www.flashearth.com/?lat=51.849096&lon=-0.063481&z=17.2&r=0&src=msl thats the lake , i had a look round it last year . nice looking place but the weed and silt were crazy . couple that with the fact there were only a couple of fish over 20ib in there i didnt bother . if they could get things sorted out it could be a nice water but for the money it was not worth it imho . i could join two club waters in the local area and be able to fish for 4 different 40ib fish loads of 30ib fish and hundreds of 20ib fish .
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