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Everything posted by cal35

  1. cant help you on that one, sorry
  2. fishing gets very busy on snadhurst, as in when i went a couple of months ago there was only about 6 pegs left. fishing can be easy on it but keep an eye on the forecast as a cold snap completely puts them off the feed! hope this helps
  3. just wondering, if i put my name down would i have to join when my name was at the top or could i decline, any ideas also i could find how much it was to join, but now cant , anyone know
  4. try bills lake 3-search it on net. me and my dad went there, 4 hours from calais i think or maybe boulougne on speed ferry? caught shedloads of carp including 3 30's on tiger nuts, there are a few 40's and all other fish that you mentioned, also the river behind which has loads of barbel and chub in it with a few carp as well. also bill is very nice and helpful. hope this helps!
  5. so would you recommend joining that instead? if you are can i ask the original question but about there. cheers
  6. look at the catch reports on the carp champoinships and that will give you some good ideas as there were lots of fish caught then and hardly any during the night so probably wouldnt bother night fishing there, would defo recommend the website.
  7. hi, thanks for the reply I live close to the lake, only about 5 miles away. Me and my dad were looking at joining it. we are fairly inexperienced but like being in peaceful surroundings, not puddles in the ground packed with pegs! would it be worth joining?
  8. Wadmill is a lake on the todber manor fishery. it is a good fishery in winter as that is the only time i have ever fished it and like i said, have caught plenty of fish. try their website: http://www.todbermanor.co.uk/ if you do go there however, make sure you buy some Todber Manor red factor boilies from the on-site tackle shop as i have had 2 rods next to each other, 1 on red factor and 1 on another boilie, caught 5 fish in 2 hours on the red factor, none on the other.
  9. where abouts in dorset do you live as if possible i would recommend going to todber manor as i have fished there 2 times on wadmill and caught 5 carp both times up to 15lb, good fishing there.
  10. does anyone know what the fishing is like on here and what the waiting list is like?
  11. hi i live near the area and i am a member of ringwood DAA. i fished at waldens with great sucsess on just plain floatfished maggot and sweetcorn, taking about 20 carp a day on the lake on the right as you go in. fish tight to the reeds as there are loads of carp hidden in there!
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