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Everything posted by dave_askew

  1. how do you all decide where ya goin fishin i got plenty of lakes round near me and im off fishing for the day 2moro and cant decide what pool to go to merrington - expensive but big fish and only 2 rods atm Howle - lots of small fish cheep 3 rod limit Poole Hall - new fishery (to me) bit more a distance away both a runs water and a speci water Marchamley - mixture of fish reasonable price but not fishing well atm
  2. I fish a lake namely merrington where I've been gettin 3 or 4 runs a session with a small conversion rate to fish on the bank I wanna try and sort this out got a feeling this may work let's see
  3. this explains it alot better for moi i think
  4. my leads just have a swivel though when bought from shop do ya change these or just but different leads ?
  5. my worry is with a runnind led unless a rig tube is used will the swivel on the lead not wear away running up and down the line ?
  6. much appreciated bud ill leave it a while i think then before ppping down
  7. yes its on search but lookin for any recent info on hows its fishing anyone fished recently
  8. what area ?
  9. yeah on that one it is i started useing the esp coated strip teaze and found it pretty damn good
  10. i was having silly amounts of problems with tangleing hence that rig really
  11. thats my effort also as a by product i take the swivel out the lead clip and can be used running
  12. yeah they dvd's where decent i do want a korda krusha but cant find them anywhere
  13. yeah must admit i use the palomar on the link loop of a figure of 8 loops only recently found the quick change system its brilliant saves alot of hassle
  14. erm the quick link attaches to either a loop in your hooklink and then i use a silicone sleeve to cover the quick link up if u dont like loops use the link loop im goin again in the morning ill take a picture of my whole thing for you
  15. id drive through the gate and try either the bottom pool ( to the right as u go on with an island ) or the top pool ( furthest to the left ) good pools down there ive seen mid 20's come out of there and some nice fish but its not easy fishing at all be prepared to blank any info in or around shropshire jemsue is your man i can help with selected pools also around the telford area feel free to ask ever tried malverly farm ?
  16. funny enough never found it a problem round here ive even taken a dog to merrington aslong as its not causeing a problem there fine with it all the waters i fish only one is no dogs great companions to take fishing
  17. i pretty much always use 3 rods so i if i want to try a new rig ill put it on one and see how it goes i dont get tremondous time on the bank so want to try new things but dont want to waste a day same thing with a new bait really confidence in your rig is looking good on the bottom is a big thing for me
  18. yeah somethin told me it was 1st march but if u guys had winter rules i take it not then
  19. just a quick one also was it winter rules still aka 3 rods cant remember when it changes ?
  20. theres plenty of fish there very wiley fish there its not an easy lake its a challenge but i think thats what i like about it ive got runs waters merrington isnt one but thats why i like it so much i think i may go 2moro and search for a relitively dry peg my normal peg of choice is 6 but the area i fish on it can be reached from the other side of the lake so should be ok definately merrington i think
  21. its a brilliant place ive heard when the new pools being made the pegs will be sorted whatever that means but i do love the place ill be goin down there for a day session tomorow i think im really twisted between there and marchamley im thinkin merrington could be a bit to boggy at merrington after you lot and todays rain
  22. Shame I couldn't make of guys maybe next time though not sure bout gettin gown there may try somewhere else if it was slow
  23. like i say i stick to the old faithfull while its still catching fish i wont be changeing it i get plenty of distance on it as it is
  24. ok mistake made i aint got the slightest clue to set up a helicopter rig and obviously so doesnt this chap post a picture of a correct one and explain it and where he went wrong think some reactions are a bit harsh he didnt use it for 3 weeks then ask advice he took a picture and asked if it was ok and any tips as to where he is going wrong surely ???
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