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    clean fishing

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  1. Well well, farting carp! Now there's a thought. I will certainly bung a tin or two into the bait bucket for future use.......wonder how carp feel about toast.... check my blanking thread you'll see i was outcaught by a lady using toast and marmalade swear i'll use it when i can get the marmalade to stay on the hook
  2. i use mantis and tye both rigs , horses for courses, both are right in certain situations
  3. i only use fluro as hooklink don't they sink?
  4. thats come up as not existing
  5. finaly got the beachcaster to work , had 9.08 common . don't laugh ifell in as i landed it , and then had a 15.04 ghostie not bad as been as i did'nt know what i was doing
  6. Which is why: With a paternoster you do have to strike the hook in. It is NOT a self hooking rig. yes but as in korda 6 you may use it as a deception rig and a single hookbait
  7. with nicks drawing you could cover the paternoster line with plastic tubing as in the diagram set up it has a tendency to tangle
  8. got as far as the house today does everyone really park in that little courtyard
  9. some waters round here totally ban it ,which includes hooklinks
  10. 8lbs line is very light for me , and we don't know how much pressure you put on it , tie your own practice makes perfect
  11. theres a leading carp angler who believes his captures are above average , becaause he uses longer hooklengths than most people, but not for your reason, so you may have the right answer for the wrong reason
  12. tmb1415


    try testing one to destruction to see what happens, be careful not to hurt yourself though, the thread on the accidents as really spooked me and edited should probably be a sticky
  13. Did you see the carp crew on it , it was where Mary queen of Scotts was imprisoned ,i think its Fotheringhay or something like that he walked a long way pre baited for a week and had a 18 it was 'nt Jan it was the other bloke i can't remember his name.
  14. Anyone fished here or have any up to date info?
  15. tmb1415


    I've just bought mantis i'll never learn
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