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pali last won the day on October 3 2014

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    Hiking, Fishing, Photography, Golf, Geocaching, Bridge

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  1. We should try the lake at my son in law. Rumours have it there are carp escaped from the fishery. But this little lake was never ever fished by anybody.
  2. Ahoj

    I am trying to obtain a fishing license, I travel to presov two/three times a year and have a house in a nearby village. I would like to fish but i am really struggling to find out how and where to obtain the permit. I was wondering if you could help me please. 

    1. pali


      Hi, if you plan fishing on regular basis I suggest this:

      1. At local municipality (obecný úrad) buy fishing ticket (rybársky lístok), it is valid one or three years, the longer one is also cheaper per annum. 

      2. Find the local Slovak angling association office (Slovenský rybársky zväz) and they can sell you either fishing license for a week or a year. Annual license can be valid for local waters + so called association waters (all larger lakes and rivers) or as local waters permit only. The first one costs a bit more than 100€ a year. Address is Plzenská 2829/6 Prešov.


      If I remember right license should be cheaper for association members, then:

      3. Apply for membership which costs some initial fee and from there on you pay the membership stamps every year. 

      I am not 100% certain about citizens from abroad but this is roughly the outline. You can buy only a week license if you are not a member but I am not sure. If you go to their office they will tell you what to do. Just make sure you have fishing ticket mentioned in 1. above because they can't sell a license if you don't have it. 

      I hope this helps. 

  3. My article correcting the wrong setup of helicopter with swivel was sent to the magazine and will be published on the very next issue. At the end I wrote an anouncement of your article which should cover the larger scope of the topic. The editor was very interested and willing to provide anglers with informations which will increase the carp safety. I am honored to help you to spread the news.
  4. Now you can understand Keith why I asked you on writing that article. I had a short talk with the editor and he was quite shocked on what I´ve told him. The good thing is that he is not stuck on "being right" and is ready to provide field with new informations. 15 years ago when they started the TV show there were maybe only 150 anglers releasing caught fish (out of 130.000). This editor is repeatedly promoting Catch and Release method in all that years. Now the young generation accepted it and the old ones also are changing mind though it is a slow process. But you can see, that while writing your article it is very much needed to show photos and charts of safe and death rigs and it must be very down to earth because there is quite some task to be achieved. You can cause more than you think by all this. Edit: Yes, I have found the article on helicopter rig and I am sending the comment on that to the mag. It would be great if you could send me the original photos from http://www.fishingmagic.com/news/article/mps/UAN/3066/v/3/sp/ (in a print quality) Am I right to assume that you made them?
  5. Hmm, that seems to be a valid argument. Poor fish Well, if you write the article what we spoke about it will be published, it is already agreed with the biggest mag in Slovakia, the editor is very much interested. http://www.rrr.sk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=109&Itemid=36 Though it is not carp only mag, but carping is the most important part of it. Another thing is that they have also the TV show every 2 weeks where the impact can be even more strong but to organize being you in front of the camera is a bit more tough thing (because of distance).
  6. On a lake I prefer around 5 inches hookling but on river I go seldom under 2 feet. It seems that long hooklings will enable to settle bait down in the stream. It will lay on the bottom without whirling.
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