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  1. Hi all I am going to Le Bounty on the cathunters trip in April. Anyone else going ?? Does anyone have any helpful info ?? Hopefully the cats will be awake and hungry as the water warms up
  2. Fished Bounty when it first opened Top venue - well looked after Had a 45lb cat 10 mins after first cast As far as carp went - honestly couldn't get 3 rods in at once during darkness hours. Biggest fish mid twenties then but its doing 30+s now
  3. I know a guy who has a merc sprinter and does drive out parties to france for carpin trips - very reasonable if a full vehicle. Drop me a pm if interested
  4. thanx mate anyone been there before ??
  5. New to forum so be gentle with me lol Me and a few mates like the look of la fonte and would love some info from people who have been. On website it also mentions possibility of transport to and from lake - has anyone used this ??
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