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Everything posted by brutalbaz

  1. only joking mate gonna teach you how to tackle the bigger stuff in september
  2. small stuff your thing i reckon got a bit of an inferiority complex have you BIGroy
  3. alright roy not sure this is the water for you dont think they stock sticklebacks theres a little stream down end of my road with some 2 oz specimens in pm me ill give you full details all my love baz
  4. yes done a weekend there in october no fish out all weekend on dove or main lake but apparently there is some stunners in there but im told if there not having it there not having it but they do a lovely brekie in the cafe
  5. as far as i know its the cotswolds not glouster and only 8 fishermen on lake at any one time and lake is 4 and half acres as far as i know
  6. sorry fellas i mean orchid lake
  7. alright fellas has anyone fished at orchid lake oxford if so any info on which swims reguly produce and any info really appreciated cheers
  8. hi has anyone fished bounty recently going in a couple of weeks just want to know how its been fishing
  9. hi doex goint to le bounty next month what sort of size were your fish did you catch any of the grassies
  10. looking to go mid to late may dependant on work,i already got most of that stuff might need to buy some gloves though thanks for advise bazzer
  11. thanks man just what i wanted to hear in process of booking for next year any suggestions for tackle i.e catfish never caught one before its my next personnal challenge ,cheers bazza
  12. hi has anybody got any experience of bounty lakes near le mans thanks, bazzer
  13. thanks everyone i think i'll look in to rushes lake
  14. hi first timer here looking for a good lake to fish next year in france hoping to catch my first cat ,been scouring the net for what seems like forever, so many lakes all with good and bad points ,im tottaly confused hoping some one can recommend a few lakes from experience. need your help guys!!!! thanks bazzer
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