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About fiskekongen

  • Birthday 08/09/1978

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Langesund, Norway
  • Interests
    All kind of fishing, but Salmon

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  1. That's partley correct. I have 4 blue led alarms. And a reciever with also 4 blue led's. Si there is no way to do this other to send in to Fox? I was hoping that it was a way to to this, like jailbrake å phone orsomething 😊
  2. That is only to change channel not to get inteference from other people with same alarms. Not to change whitc position the alarms show on the reciever
  3. Hi, Is there anyone that knows how to change channel on an RX alarm? I know how to set all my alarms to connect to the sounder box. But since my alarm on channel 2 broke I got a net one. And this is on Channel 3. Is there any possibility to change this myself? Or is the only way to ship it to Fox to get them to do it? I live in Norway, so the cost would be high....
  4. And yes I use the adapters. I refill mye canisters from the cheap Butane camping canisters during warmer months. Use a scale and weight a full one and refill up to that wight. It helps to put the empty one in the freezer a little in advance
  5. I have like 20 stoves. All from wintercaping in the mountains to carp fishing. I have a couple og fire maple stoves and they are good stoves. But if you are going to use your fryingpan look at the BRS 53. This is a good value for money and great to make meals that isnt freesedried meals 😊
  6. I have the Pan for it. And eaven it is an ok pan. The jetboil is pretty por at frying anything. Too concentated heat.
  7. Try a Svea 123R, it's a white gas stove, and doesn't need any pumping. Just preheat, and it will burn until empty. Since there almost no moving parts, these stoves are bombproof!!
  8. What about La Maxe at Metz? This is in Mozelle. There you can fish all day and night, nice swims and great fishing. It is alowed to fish with 4 rods. La Maxe is a good place early and late in the year because of the hot water that comes from the factory. There are carp over 30kg and catfish over 100kg. It is almost a must with baitboat. It is some crayfish there, but not a big problem. No need for rock hard boilies. The current isnt a problem eather, and during 8 days of fishing I ony got one other fisk than catfish and carp. There is a popular fishingspot, but plenty of swims. Just don't get down there at the weekend, then it can be a problem getting a good swim. Nice to talk to people from all over the world. This year we are 8 people from Norway driving down, on different weeks tho. If you drive to the Pacific Pesh shop, they will help you with the payment and arange the fishing police guy to meet you with the key you need to get into the fishing area. Im going down there next week and cant wait! This would be my second time at La Maxe
  9. L a Maxe is a very good place. Real good fighting river carps. can get carp over 30kg, and catfish up to 100kg. No criminals, ang nice swims. Recomends ++++
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