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Everything posted by howsey16

  1. Brand new aswell I forgot to add!
  2. Greys prodigy gt4 3lb tc, 40mm butt ring.... £70 on eBay! is this too good to be true?
  3. I'm not a mega caster anyway me though, I prefer smaller lakes so not a massive issue for most of my fishing.
  4. All i do is make a little solid bag with my hooklink and leave the lead out of the bag. That way you can just quick tie on your new rig with the bag already on it. A lot of videos and instructions on the packs tell you to put the lead in but i dont bother and its caught me fish
  5. Different answers all round haha. I'd go for stiff hinge. Scratchy how long do you tend to make the hooklength?
  6. Cm and his chuffing braid haha
  7. Dark matter tubing is heavy to which helps in the last few feet down to the lake bed
  8. Might sound daft this but.... I'm looking for a bit of a bulk buy deal on molasses but seem to see molasses for horses all over! Is this the same stuff? Confusled :/
  9. rg baits 365, rg baits formula, sticky pineapple, sticky xc, some 10mm chilli popups....... im sure theres something else in there but cant remember. popups everytime, wafters are a fad! (sorry all you wafter lovers, but I can make my popups waft! )
  10. What did it say? Turn volume up a little more because we can't hear it?
  11. Glad u like mate
  12. Should do mate. I saw one carp out all 48 hour and there were a good 16 folk on scattered all over lake. At least it wasn't just me that blanked on the carp front
  13. Went on a 48hour sessions to alderfen with a few mates last week, was fishing for carp but decided to throw a deadbait out to see what happened, and guess what?!!? 4 pike and lost 2. Biggest was 10lb. My mates blanked apart from one who borrowed a treble hook trace and smelt and pulled a little jack out. Sweet
  14. https://soundcloud.com/howsey16 These are some tracks from the band I used to be in many moons ago. We only recorded about 6 but had loads and used to gig all over north of england. https://soundcloud.com/howsonbros This is what me and my bro are into at the mo. Although starting to veer off a little deeper. Opinions appreciated.
  15. And this
  16. Bivvy, you might like this one.
  17. I was fishing maybe 40 yards out last week and I had a flying backlead to pin the end down and then a normal backlead just for playing any fish over my lines. I allow it to sink, only for a minute or so and it seemed to be enough. I then tightened line just to the point where the rod tip starts to bend down and then slacken off so the rod is straight. Then put bobbins on and adjust either way so the rod tip isn't bent. I think everything needs to be on the bottom as much as poss.
  18. Bivvy u are the man! Iv been looking for this track!
  19. High end sound quality that vid mate
  20. I was only 6 around that time pal so I don't think I would have appreciated it They were Amazin when they played other year in Manchester though
  21. Saw stone roses live when they got back together a few years ago. Unreal!
  22. Master of puppets and ride the lightning!
  23. Yes Metallica!!! Justice for all album is the one!
  24. Never too late mate! Although my fingers are quite as nimble as when I was 12. My guitar just hangs on living room wall now and has done for a while. Im more into production side now.
  25. Im listening to techno! And the most recent music iv made....
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