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    Nr Portsmouth
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  1. You would think seeing you rent a venue in France and take anglers over from the UK to fish it you would realise its not to be laughed at, more so as it state on Facebook you are fully legal. That might well be true for their UK Carp Tours business that is not in dispute, what is in dispute is the French venue not being registered as a business and holding a SIRET number (not one that cane be traced). Tracy if you are the sole company that rent the lake then you need to register it as a French business, (not the owner). If on the other hand the owner also rents to others\sells weekly\day tickets then he needs to register the business. By running trips to a venue in France that is not legal in other words is not registered as a French business and holds a SIRET number makes your UK company operating illegally in France. What has been said on your Facebook site regarding a member of this forum is an absolute disgrace.
  2. Its just possible the venues in France are better stocked together with bigger fish
  3. Their is no such thing as "The Best Bait" for any fish. Cats will eat anything. I think its fair to say live baiting produce a lot of Cats (and you wont get troubled by Carp). John
  4. Everyone who runs a business in France has to registrar it and is then given a SIRET number relating to that business. In France any person that uses a business that is not registered is committing an offence just as the owner is doing and both are subject to very severe penalties. In the UK it is very common to say ask a builder how much for cash (to ovoid paying tax). In France ask a builder that question and he more than likely to report you and you could will be taken to court. It is important when picking a venue you ask the owners if they are registered and if so for the SIRET number.......its you and your tackle that is at risk if raided while at the venue. A SIRET number does not have to be displayed on a web site, we dont but we do state we a a fully registered Frence Business.
  5. The French are at long last cracking down on UK owned venues that are not registered as a French business in other words they do not have what is known as a SIRET number and are therefore operating illegally. Anyone fishing one of these venues is also committing an offence and if the venue is raided while you are there you will be told to leave and I add with a good chance without your tackle. These venues if raided will also be closed on the spot and any person that has booked stands a good chance of loosing any money paid. In view of this it is vital before booking your trip to France to make sure the venue is French registered. Some do show the SIRET number on their web site but it is not a legal requirement to do so. If you cannot see one then before booking ask if they are French registered and ask for their SIRET number. If they cannot give you this number then my advice is to stay well away.....you have been warned. I have confirmed the above with our French accountants. John
  6. Would not like to be fishing near you with 50 pints going off the smell would be........hell!
  7. It was quite a few years ago now. Have a word with Tony or his wife (Jean I think) they will give you all the help you need. Very well stocked lake with island in the middle. Great bar with good food about 5 min drive (well there was lol). The Millers familey owned and run some of the best venues in France. As I said I would go back if only I had the time John
  8. Yes Tony Millers lake. Fished it a few years ago.....lovely venue well looked after and great fishing. Good accommodation fully fitted out. One of the few venues I alway said I would return to but never have the time now. John
  9. Hi The reason we only allow our own pellet to be used (as many other venue owners are now doing) is because its the only way we can control what feeds are used. You would not believe the rubbish guys use to bring quite unaware the damage their pellets were doing to our valuable stock. We only stock and sell the best Carp pellet available in France and used along with the party mix its proven to produce fish and keep our stock healthy. You will find out for yourself the quality of our fish some of the best looking fish to be found in France. Have a word with our Manager JP and he will give you all the help needed to get into the fish.......keep it simple no fancy rigs and you should catch. Be sure to ask to see his photo file including his world record brace of Carp........you cant miss it its in a pink folder lol John
  10. It also depends on where you live in the UK John
  11. Much depends on the area. Le Mans area then no problem the water is fine. But and its not a question on health, bottled water does taste better.....and its cheap. John
  12. If any couples are serous about managing a venue I know of a venue that is look for managers. (no not mine lol) But I stress this is only open for a couple that really have looked into it and its not just a bit of a dream. PM me with your number and I will take it from there. John
  13. This was set up some time ago part of the EU regs. But as far as I know not £1 (or €) has ever been collected either from the UK or from France.
  14. Its a complete myth that they work out your average speed between tolls. What the old bill do is stand on a slip road before the toll checking speed of drivers going past them and towards the toll (drivers approaching the toll cannot see them). They also do this anywhere along the motorway even miles before the toll. So these drivers think they have been done by average speed because they did not see the speed camera.
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