You would think seeing you rent a venue in France and take anglers over from the UK to fish it you would realise its not to be laughed at, more so as it state on Facebook you are fully legal. That might well be true for their UK Carp Tours business that is not in dispute, what is in dispute is the French venue not being registered as a business and holding a SIRET number (not one that cane be traced).
Tracy if you are the sole company that rent the lake then you need to register it as a French business, (not the owner). If on the other hand the owner also rents to others\sells weekly\day tickets then he needs to register the business.
By running trips to a venue in France that is not legal in other words is not registered as a French business and holds a SIRET number makes your UK company operating illegally in France.
What has been said on your Facebook site regarding a member of this forum is an absolute disgrace.