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Everything posted by dixons

  1. As nick has said there you have got rainbow and newbridge in burstwick two very good lakes but we have mainly concentrated on rainbow over the last couple of seasons and it is a notorious "hard" lake and the carp really can do your head in but newbridge is the place for a few runs. you have got raker lakes in york a very good day ticket venue well worth a look. As has been metioned you can purchase a hdaa ticket wich i have but look into before you buy because it may not be to your liking night permits etc If you need anymore info just pm me All the best Tom
  2. The widegape b's in size8 are perfect for a little pop-up rig and are extremely strong and sharp;) Tom
  3. Haven't lost a fish on them yet and have landed two 20's on them recently:D why dont you just shave the barb off your normal hooks??? Tom
  4. im using the e.s.p shrink tubing, shrinks down very well on most sizes of hook and is quite cheap:D And as i dont shrink tubing on mono/flurocarbon presentations, i just use the steam from the kettle (when doing this use forceps or pliers to hold the hook or your fingers get burnt:( ) Tom
  5. dixons


    I have never really liked the wide gapes had one snap on me once and never used one since but this is only my personal opinion i know loadza people that use them with no probs. the hooks i use are mainly e.s.p raptors, e.s.p stiff riggers for my pop-ups and always have some carp r us longshanks in my box Tom
  6. I use to use the nash blowack rigs when i first started carpin but since then bought a few books and talked to some quality carp anglers on the lakes i fish and can now tie everythin that i need to tie:D Tom
  7. Its setup is basically the same as a helicopter rig but like courtz sed the first bead is as far up the leadcore/tubing as you think the weed/silt is off the bottom, its perfect for day sesions when you are unsure on whats on the bottom and dont want to drag a marker float through the swim. as for the rigs use the same ones asif you were fishing the helicopter Tom
  8. I use the mustad x-4's in size8 for my surface fishing never let me down yet Tom
  9. Was just wonderin if any of you had used mono hooklinks before and if so what mono did u use? i thought i might try and use mono on a new lake im thinking of fishing because it is a very clear water but the bottom is all mainly gravel and thers quite a few snags i.e big rocks nd sunken trees ect and thought mono may b abit mor robust then flurocarbon but dont no so any of your thoughts would be greatly appreciated thanx. Tom:D
  10. I always use a standard hair rig and little bit of shrink tubing just to help the hook turn and the shot on hook rig for pop-ups but obviously change the hooklength to suit the bottom ive never had to change them rigs been pukka 4 me:D Tom:D
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