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Everything posted by gillcover

  1. Happy new year to all from Genesis Lake
  2. Hi Fella's It was a shame the weather didn't behave but thats fishin for ya, Garry and Ash did well all things considered .Sometimes you have to work at it other times they seem to fall in your lap, one can never tell whats going to happen. Thats when your fishing skills come into thier own, Gaz and Ash worked hard and got some rewards .Good job done lads. Nice report too,thank you .... Hey Chinky yes your right I did buy Marks Mitsi , He is up for a visit here some time in the near future .
  3. Have a good trip over and we shall see you Monday morning , will have the kettle on
  4. you have pm
  5. Just a few from genesis during the summer 2010
  6. As from Sept 5th LD lines running from Dover to Boulogne will not be doing passenger service any more just freight . We at Genesis are not amused, just been redirected to ostend.
  7. I thank you aswell Kim for the mention , Doug we do have spaces for that period at Genesis lake by the way did I mention that 2381 lb of carp came out last week to 6 dutch anglers , they was very happy
  8. Our biggest haul to date a massive 2,381 lbs of carp ( yes thats right 2381)between 6 anglers our biggest went 34.5 lbs 5 carp over the 30lbs , 50 upper twenties, 46 mid twenties , 44 upper doubles and numerous lower doubles.( with a few singles thrown in. Now I reckon thats a qood weeks fishin ,dont you? The weather for that week was reasonable not to much rain and wind but it did turn for a N/Easterly after around Thursday and the fish did go to ground a bit. And gues what ,,, we still have spaces left open
  9. I see they have gone down again when will it be sorted ...please
  10. where have all the banner ads gone , or have I missed something ?
  11. I'll second that from Genesis , big thanks to Kim . And all those who followed the dream and those who venture forth to angle there in.
  12. Some of the carp caught last summer at Genesis , although we had a slow start the guys did well with catches upto 1050 lbs for the week and many carp around the 30 lb mark ,the best being 33 lbs.
  13. Genesis would fit that bill even with the food package, Have a look
  14. well I have done france fishing a good few times,now I have me own lake in france . But here is what I used to do, on the net I bought a fridge works on gas ,mains .and car. two anglers all the meat we needed plus milk .all tinned veg and beans etc no shopping at all during a week in France . The fridge is about 2 feet square bit like a chest freezer top opening and set me back around 175 quid if turned right up it froze things (even better). French shopping is ok you just have to think a bit more about it , I'd rather be fishing then shopping tho
  15. Hi Just to let you know that our website is back online so anyone who tried to look and found it not accessable ,well it's ok now. Feel free to peruse genesis-carpfishery.com thanks
  16. hi thanks for that salokcinnodrog I certainly will do that, and thanks Frank I'll keep ya posted cheers
  17. Hi We are near alencon , thanks for the good luck wishes ,we'll probably need it. All we can say at the moment is "watch this space" details to follow asap.
  18. Hi yes we shall be running a business( eventually) we hope to be open later this year, all being well. But you'll hear it first on carp.com
  19. Hi fisherboyjoe 4.30 hours from Calais ,4 from Boulogne ,in an aston martin a lot less
  20. Hiya all at long last we have bought our french lake and house in Orne about 4 hours from boulogne , 12 acres of water ranging from 4m to 2m in depth and 2 ton of carp went in last month from 12 lb to 35 lb including 7 very nice koi's and one grass carp. it's all in the development stages at the moment but we're getting there,
  21. Hi If I was making baits I would source potassium sorbate, Ive tried nutrabaits and agree with whats been said it dont preserve for long and is quite costly.Potassium sorbate has been tested and tested till the cows come home and it's never been proved it was bad for animals or humans infact potassium is a type of salt and sorbate comes from the rowan berry.Many foods use them, anything thats not frozen and has pastry case. I dont know the volumes that bait companies would use but say 50 kilo's of bait would be something like a half kilo of potassium sorbate dont quote me on that though.But having said all that a frozen bait takes some beating, has a better smell then shelf lifes and I believe is more attractive to them carpio,s. By the way did you know potassium sorbate has been in use since 1900,,ish just thought I'd mention that
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