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Everything posted by salokcinnodrog

  1. I have a system along the lines of a started canister is in the rucksack, so I put a full one in. The started canister runs out (usually) mid session, so as soon as I get home I put a new one in the rucksack, ad infinitum...
  2. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/184140662761 If anyone is interested, although they are not my favourite, Coleman canisters at £28.45
  3. Items found in bucket of bag/spod mix: Braid blades, Gardner baiting needle, spoon for coffee stirring and Sky's bone...
  4. It was 20th May last year on ours, but they are still holding back this year. I know a few other waters locally have started though.
  5. Always plans going forward. The main problem as I mentioned in News and Announcements is Google only picking up on threads started less than 5 years ago. So the database of threads going back to 2005 became almost worthless, which as so many threads had accumulated was rather sad. So far I have deleted 60,000 threads, goodness knows what that is in posts! No it's not a Fox only shop, it should be everything.
  6. 25lb Merlin, critically balanced meshed bait with a size 4 Solar 101. There is enough silt on the deck for the lead to sink into, but this presentation does work with the actual hooklink sat on top of the silt.
  7. You might struggle. TFG no longer exist as a tackle firm, so spares and repairs could be impossible.
  8. Thank you. On the low stock fishery it can be quite difficult to get fish feeding on bait. Even fresh stock fish, which have been brought up on course/carp pellets can switch onto natural foods and become difficult to catch, although some do become catchable. Some however do become bait eaters, particles and/or boilies, that is new stock and 'originals'. Some fish can go on 'the missing list' for absolutely ages, or be seen, yet not caught. To give some idea of that, on my syndicate lake we have a number of commons. The Parrot, The Pug nose are fish that are well known, come out around 23lb. There are 4 fish, 3 commons and 1 mirror that since being (legitimately) moved with the correct paperwork have not been caught, one of that stocking, I had on its first capture last year at 23lb, the only time it's been caught in 3 years with a 5lb growth rate. The biggest common I would think is close to 50lb, its been seen, yet has never been seen feeding on bait. The best known common or Queen of the lake went missing, not banked for 2 years. She came out again last week 5lb heavier than her last capture. There are some stock fish from 2021 that have put on 10lb in 13months! One of the fish stocked in 2020 at 18lb is coming out at around 32lb, and this years January stocking a couple have put on 2lb, yet others have not even caught since being stocked, some caught within a month of being stocked then avoiding capture, yet we are seeing them. There is an 'accidental' stocking, a koi that appeared after coming down the flooded inlet, it has never been banked, few have seen it, but how that bright white fish can disappear I don't know. I've been out in the lake in chest waders, I've disturbed bloodworm beds, I've found swan mussels, snails, and stepped in massive feeding holes; some are only just past the margins, some are out in the middle of the lake. I have access to a massive picture portfolio of the lakes stock, from originals and their capture weights to the stockings and stocking weights and all captures since. I also have some pictures of Tench and pike, so I know that there are occasional recaptures.
  9. I took on Taverham Mills as a 'stop gap' between the sale by Schroeder and the purchase by Anglian Water, so had to do the research myself. I was learning the best stock levels and fish growth from a gentleman near Harleston and correspondence courses. At the time the lake was not heavily stocked. Although a few carp had gone in a few years before the sale it was never overstocked, there was a mix of tench and bream (to double figures), some carp to probably 30lb from a few sources and pike. My strong point was the bankside security, fencing, bailiffing and actual fishing management.
  10. That sounds like it's healthily stocked, it's probably the same number of carp as in my syndicate lake which is 45acres. Your lake is not going to be a pushover, depending on features, other species, you aren't likely to catch every trip as I expect the carp have plenty of natural food. If you do expect to catch every trip then give up fishing... Seriously years ago when I was running a fishery, I learnt that the average fishery, with no bait, can hold roughly on average, 800lb of fish ( all species) per acre. So this could be 800 1lb fish, or 20 40lb fish and all variants in between. Many fisheries overstock, well beyond this figure so that fish have to be caught, they rely on anglers bait to survive. It is not always healthy. Then you have the fishery that is below that 800lb, the fish have room to grow, to develop.
  11. I can't post the direct video as it's too big, but a short video on my FB https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0aDQ2KF8WoVxvcxRZvxgkyJhDJtN2pe8Q9rUkYBrMfmcA4rk9mhoWsmZeR7y29iLYl&id=100000347282223&sfnsn=scwspmo
  12. The Brackens I fished was part of Nazeing Meads in Essex
  13. Been sticking with my version of the Multi-rig and a RH Naturalz Infusion. The hooklink is doubled over 15lb Kryston Merlin and no more than 15centimetres long. Just hooked and landed a carp, very well hooked, about an inch inside the mouth, size 4 Solar 101 and that critically balanced spiral bait. Again the whole lot, lead and rig was in the PVA bag with a load of what is basically dust, ground boilies, (KMG, Monster Crab and Infusion) and Vitalin. (If you want the RH bumpf: A critically balanced hookbait with a twist, (quite literally) The Naturalz hookbaits have been designed to fool some of the wariest carp. Acting like a wafter by critically balancing your hook presentation, but with the addition of the spiralled texture.
  14. Good to see you back. If you have the base mix, that should be right as it stands. Just mix with your eggs and boil. The boiling time is probably 1 and a ½ minutes, maybe 2 minutes. You don't or shouldn't need egg albumen. However, if you want harder hookbaits, you may want or need to add some to a single egg mix for hookbaits.
  15. I am positive that I caught Covid back in January/February 2020, pre-lockdown, pre- restrictions when you simply could not afford to take time off ill, not knowing if you would get sick pay, or how long it would last. If there is a positive it is that numbers of companies have taken to paying sick pay. It is only since covid I've had my health issues, which started as pains in my right calf and shin, that my doctor thought from the pain, was a stress fracture. It spread through my right side since, hip, base of back up to right arm and shoulder. The left side is fine, but is the knee I had surgery on, and is no problem. To be honest, I'm not sure or convinced on the vaccinations. The symptoms vary so much from person to person, complications from person to person, I do not believe that the vaccine is effective, nor healthy due to side effects.
  16. I reckon something like that, nice work Sir. I think a lot of places have relaxed the ' 10day rule', now it's just stay off work until clear or you are fit. One of the girls I used to work with did her test at work, tested positive (despite being vaccinated) and I had to send her home for 10 days. Two days later I tested positive, had to take my 10days off, despite not having another positive test. My symptoms was just a headache for a day then nothing else, but still had to be off work.
  17. On one rod being fished as a rover I might do that on a 'runs' water, to find which is the preferred bait and/or spot, although I haven't been on that type of water for years, but the other rod(s) I will leave alone. On my 'big fish waters', once its cast in it stays in unless I get a take or reel in to walk Sky (which does now stop me leaving a bait in situ for a couple of days). Any type of boilie hookbait might be overloaded with 'smells' on the first cast, after time in the water those smells will be gradually getting less, or those smells could be an attractor or not off-putting. Those smells could be flavour, your personal skin or body smells, even the smell of plastic from a bait tub or bag on a warm day. I'm sure some people's smell is a repellent to some fish and to other fish it's an attractor. A chap I used to fish with regularly caught a couple of fish from a lake, anywhere around it, he had one of them from a few swims at opposite ends, yet he could not catch some other fish, it was like they avoided him. I have done so many trips after work, where I have to smell lovely and fresh, so put the BO Basher on before work and others from home. I honestly don't know if it is off-putting or not, but from home I try not to spray, although after 24hours in summer on a hot day I probably smell like a polecat. Probably nor me after I've had a dinner with extra onions...lol
  18. Depends on what tubing and bits you have, but I think it can be repaired. A swivel onto the Spomb wire, maybe some high breaking strain pike trace wire crimped to it, or even the same type of wire as the Spomb stuff, then the same at the other end. If you use a large diameter shrink tube you can get the swivels inside. Put a bit of foam inside on the wire and you won't need the Spomb float.
  19. I was going to say I normally have a tub for used hookbaits, but my wafters have gone back in the wafter tub, and my meshed mini pop-ups have gone back in their respective tubs still attached to the rig ring from the multi-rigs they were on. (I put fresh rings on while in storage so the hooklink doesn't pull tight, and then put the ring and hookbait back on). As for smoking, I quite frequently arrive at the lake or swim and roll myself a cigarette while I'm looking around. I don't bother washing my hands in lake water. One thing I do use disposable gloves for is if I every have to put fuel in on the way, something I do try to avoid, but occasionally it happens. My hand washing is sanitiser between meals, but the boiled washing up water after, and a baby wipe wash. That is a possibility. I have caught fish on baits that have been cast in within minutes. One within 10minutes of casting in a series of 30bait (!) stringers, and another at Brackens when I was sure I was marginally short of the undercut bank, so reeled in and recast. Yet it was Brackens where I had to leave a bait in the water for 2days before the take from a 30lb mirror. It was Tim Paisley who first highlighted the 'used bait' smell. I can't remember whether it was in More From the Bivvy, or from Carp Amid the Storm, but I'm positive that I wasn't changing my bottom bait or toppers on snowman set-ups unless I had to before I read it. Other than wooden balls, wafters or pop-ups I don't think I've used many hardened or specific hookbaits, I've nearly always used bottom baits out of the bag, with a couple of exceptions. My personal best river carp was definitely on a special glugged hookbait, 2x 16mm glugged in Nutrabaits Bait soak with added Cinnamon and Peach, but other than that fish I never found the need when comparing my results to other anglers on the lake. Big Dave has offered me baits in glugs at Bromeswell, and I would still catch as many on out of the bag baits.
  20. I will try not to change a bait unless I have to. I have cast out a bait smelling of me, once it has been taken by the fish it is now acceptable to the fish, putting a new bait on may mean I have to start again, and that may be having to wait for 48hours. I have had takes where I cast out at the start of a session, and it did stay in place until I got a take. I knew the water, I knew some fish were particularly wary of 'new' baits, and would leave boilies for a couple of days until they were 'convinced they were safe'. Every other angler would reel in, fresh bait and recast. Even on day trips, I have had numerous fish on one hookbait, until that bait is 'marmalised', or pulled off the hook/hair. Get your rigs right, use PVA to protect the hook and there should be no problems with the hook being masked. At the end of a session, my wafter or meshed pop-up hookbaits get taken off, put in a tub and reused next trip. By drying out, they regain their buoyancy. I've again had loads of fish caught on those reused hookbaits, in fact the 23 from the other week was caught on a meshed hookbait out of the re-use tub. The very fact that baits take on water may be to their benefit, especially if fishing over any groundbait or particle. If you are reeling in every day on a longer trip, a fresh stringer, mesh or bag and leave the hookbait alone, do not change it unless you absolutely have to.
  21. Oh I don't know, put a repaired brolly in a charity shop, or donate it to a fishing charity. Much rather that than ending up in landfill. I had to search for a specific garden wire, think that was a B&Q trip to search for the right stuff. Years ago when unhooking mats started coming into 'fashion', and nothing commercial was available I converted a baby changing mat into an unhooking mat, covering it with old parachute material. The padded foam outside shoulder was better than the polypops used in the beanbag style. A friend new to fishing bought a second hand bedchair and was complaining about had it sags and was giving him a bad back he was saving up for a new one. I had a look at it pulled the elastic then snipped off about a foot redone the knot resulting in a firmer bed and no more bad back for him A length of rope or paracord can be better than the elastic which I found could break inside the outer sheath.
  22. I did a Google search on Hamworthy, and it came up as a 'variety of course fish, including carp, tench, roach, rudd and pike'. I'm not one for recommending pike fishing in the summer, as a member of the Pike Anglers Club, the season doesn't begin until October for me. If I was fishing the deeper colder lochs or Lake District waters I may think differently. I don't know if there are perch in there, it may be worth a few trips fishing with worms and maggots to find out. If there are, a small lure or drop shot lure may sort out a bigger fish or two. Save the deadbaits for winter.
  23. I don't think they're noddy questions as I know I do or write things with no explanation as to me it may seem easy. I'll do the pop-up explanation first, as you've got it, it is simply trimming the pop-up by degrees until it's right. Braid blades and snick tiny pieces off, checking it in the margins. I do do the same with Multi-rigs as well. Sounds like more work than it is, as after a few tries you'll know roughly what to trim, then it's just the fine tuning. To get the lead, either inline or pendant, and the whole rig in the bag, I dry off the hookbait and hook totally, cover them in powder, then hook the inside corner and lay the lead in the opposite corner and fill with bits. Gently pull the lead up and shake the bag, topping it up. Gently squeeze, shake, squeeze and then lick and stick and twist the bag shut. Helicopter leads are easier, bits in the bag, lead on top, then fill, lick and stick. Hook the rig in outside corner.
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