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Everything posted by LACarper

  1. ahh what a relief to have a reply to this, i was begining to think no one could help so thanks. I'm really glad you said margin fishing too because i love to margin fish as my casting isnt fabulous. Could you tell me is that the same for the rest of the big fish waters? and when you said about simple rigs would a straight hair rig with braid work? also what are the make up of the lakes the bottom is it silty? thanks
  2. Hi just wondering if anyone has fished here ive booked a 2 week holiday to wylands in june. i would like to try my hand at fishing for the bigger fish on the more difficult waters on the complex. could anyone give me some pointers? thanks
  3. Anyone live in or near newbury berkshire who is intersted in fishing further a field and would like to meet up and fish with me? this is my 100th post yay!
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