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Everything posted by tidyboy02

  1. Try the Terry Hearn hinged stiff rig.
  2. tidyboy02

    zig rig

    For this winter im fishing 2 rods on zigs and 2 on my normal ways. Ive made up around 10 zigs already and i store the on pole winders. The reason i have made 10 up is that ive got 2 x 2feet 2x3feet 2x4feet 2x 5feet and 2 at 6feet. all the same except the lenght of them all on size 8 hooks to 10lb doulble strenght line. My baits are either bits of fox foam the barrel shapes or bits of cork and small pop up bollies.
  3. tidyboy02


    Im on the wychwood clear leaders at the mo and am thinkin should i camo them up abit with a marker pen or not? any thoughts?
  4. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by leeboy728 i use the fox series 2 and these have to be the worse hooks i have ever used they are sharp but go blunt easy and they bend easy and the point always bends, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join the club mate! Yep found the same they are total cr#p...
  5. keep it simple, safe and one that you have total confidence in. Dont just go on the latest band waggon just coz its been in last months magazine.
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