if you are making what could become a quality bait and its yours then surely cost per kg is irrelevant. To catch on a good bait you don't need to apply a lot, so a high cost per kg to make is offset by the amount used. Got to think firstly what are you trying to do with putting in a lot? retaining fish? it can serve to give so much choice the hookbait can be ignored for hours or completely. From experience fish will hang in an area if they feel safe and not bombed with spombs and spods etc. so a quietly introduced small patch will catch, i remember times when I'm running out of bait and think il do another night and i have the best fishing because I'm having to be sparing with bait. using the little trap approach is most often than not doing the opposite to 90% of all the anglers. let someone else pile in the bait and don't worry that you are not using tonnes, 2 factors is all i use first get on the fish or some of them and then small traps with good bait, it works for me.