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  1. How would people suggest tying a hair rig when you're fishing at a venue that only allows small hooks (size 10 biggest) and your line is too thick to pass through the eye of the hook?
  2. Thanks for the recommendations 👍
  3. Hi all, what pattern /size hooks would people recommend for floating baits /zigs, would that be with a straight eye or out turned?
  4. Would anyone recommend Rod Hutchinson Enduro, I've been offered one cheap, would this be a good rod to buy? Any advice welcome
  5. Sure, thanks for the heads up 👍
  6. Would anyone recommend Rod Hutchinson Enduro, I've been offered one cheap, would this be a good rod to buy? Any advice welcome
  7. Would it be worth using it to make leaders for attatching pva bags etc?
  8. Would this braid be okay for hooklinks/rigs? Picked it up as it was reduced to £2 for100m
  9. What grease /oil would people recommend to use on reel gear washers+reel maintenance? I know "3in1" is a very good "light" oil or would a lubricating grease be better. What do others use?
  10. Thanks for the advice folks, so boilies are going to stay in the bag they came in +get myself a bait drill 👍
  11. What is the best way to store boilies. I was preparing some of these stickybait Shelflife to put on multiple rig style, fixing them to microswivels but some were splitting +crumbling. Should I be air dying thenm or something to firm them up a bit or leave them as they are, I don't want to spoil the bait?
  12. No barbules
  13. What type of fish would you say these are?Always catch these pretty little things on a wild pond up in the mendips ,float fishing to maggots and worms. The are a lovely gold to bronze colour and always this size
  14. "Afterbite" is the best I've used. It's an ammonia type dab on pen, the key is not to rub/ scratch the bite if you can help it
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