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Everything posted by Dicky123

  1. Guys, my current in-line leads are loose and pull out before the swivel does! Should I set them in with glue, or can you buy soft rubber inserts that will stay in and only release the swivel first? If I glue them the swivel will release and come out first I do know. Thanks Rich.
  2. I know about Salmon and hemp oils guys, but I'd like a nice smell for my solid bag mix. Something I can keep spraying on but does not make the box go off quickly. Thanks all.
  3. I think they will sell regardless of the price in truth. But with Daiwa, Shimano, and Okuma reels being so high in quality, many will find it hard to move away from those brands with such a vital piece of kit! JMO. Rich.
  4. Just broke the new baiting needle on some braid. What the hell is going on, I'm not that heavy handed, honest!
  5. Thanks, I hope they are a reasonable price?? Love the look of them.
  6. Great. but what are they?????????????????? a Nash product Nige?😃😃😃
  7. Daisy May comes with me when allowed. She is eight now so very calm and an ideal partner, in fact I speak to her like a human. Don't we all?
  8. 2019 Alan is fishing at Anglers Paradise. Anyone know what his little reels are, they look 4000 size but with a nice small black body. Thanks just looking for now. Rich.
  9. How much lighter is it compared to the standard saw off scope? Are the blanks stiffer, or just the same, and is the blank profile thinner. How much weight difference would the high grade rings make overall? Are they less lightly to break due to the blank quality? Thanks be great to know Nigellas at that price and as i cannot get to see one right now.😀😀
  10. Just wondered if anyone knew of a runs water not too far to drive, once in France for a weeks break? A place big enough to allow some stalking, not being in the way of other people possibly? Thanks Rich.
  11. Nige. Do you know anything about the blank in question regarding quality please?
  12. I'm looking at trying a 4-6 feet fluro leader this season. Just wanted to know the best knot for mono to fluro please. Thanks guys.
  13. Blue. I own several Scopes and love them to be honest, everyone has a unique playing action I like, from the 1.75 to the 3lb and 2lb swan off. But I just wondered if the blanks on the Black ops were better, or different. They should be for all that money. Thanks. Rich.
  14. Just wondered if anyone thinks this version is worth the extra money. And are the blanks a different material to the standard Sawn off Scopes? I know the rings are supposed to be a better quality, but for a six foot rod £220+ seems a lot compared with other rods about like Free Spirit and Harrison? Just asking as i love the look of them in all honesty.
  15. Thanks I'll stick with Kryston.
  16. Has anyone brought any of the cheap tungsten putty off E-Bay please? It's about half price to the well known brands. If its stinky winky then what do you think is the best to buy please? Thanks Rich.
  17. Big thanks. Must be 100% safe.
  18. Yes, the sure do a 60lb since 2017. The most popular is 45lb I'm told? Someone will know all about it I expect.
  19. Has anyone tried the 60lb version and found it any better than the 45lb. Guess its much thicker so more dense, but is it too thick?
  20. Sorry guys I'm meaning how to do it really? Thanks again.
  21. Guys. I've got some 40lb non lead core from Nash. Could anyone give me a link to a decent splicing clip, never used such a thing before so while I know how to, I'd just like to be 100% sure I'm safe. Thanks all. ****.
  22. When you watch the Terry Hearn video Tunnel vision you understand how the man thinks, and it brought me round to my own situation. I never really seem to get feeding right, but when you do find the fish I think you can put TOO MUCH IN. Carp have this amazing sensory system when they can pick out a little caddis, it shows they could fish a few dozen bits of hemp if they wanted to. That with a few tigers or maize less than dozen seems the way to go, unless you are on a well stocked water. When I watch most anglers on a lake coming for a trip they always heap bait in, a kilo is nothing for a nights fishing. The match fishing in me says maybe I should just bait really lightly and just catch one fish. Then as the match guys do, top up with just a little again as mentioned above. Watching the video has opened up lots of thoughts for me, has it you? Some people think if you put a lot in over a decent area the fish will find it, but as we know they will also find a small amount too and maybe that would trigger less fear than a lot of bait they are use to now days? Just an average carp guys thought. Rich.
  23. He is gifted in many ways, wonderful video and one you ca watch over again. I will say he has probably fished more than all of us together, and that means if you're smart you learn. Also catching lots of fish also makes you learn, you cannot learn much if you're not catching (like me most of the time) can you?
  24. Thanks, I'm thinking of a water where in summer the fish love a floater. I expect the best days would be mild, and a bit windy. I'll give it a try maybe even bread crust could work, doubt these fish have seen bread for 30 years? Thanks all, Rich.
  25. Does anyone use floaters much in the Autumn, and any tips please? Rich.
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