I've started keeping a diary on my phone and it very quickly turned into a little account of my session, so I thought I'd share it on here.
I went for a walk up and down the Green Mile, I quite fancied a swim half way along, as I had caught from the swim before and to the left lay about 50 yards of unfishable tree lined margin, but I really didn't want to fish a swim just for the sake of it, I wanted to see fish first. I did see fish up in the top corner, nothing to big and they looked like they were just sunning themselves. I know these fish weren't really up for a feed so I kept looking, but the area was noted. It wasn't until I'd gotten down into the car park swim on magoo bank that I saw a good group of fish milling around down the right hand side under the scum and floating weed that had gathered into that corner. The group were 14 strong, mainly doubles with a handful of twenties and two very big dark fish. A foot across the back, one was a heavily plated mirror the other a common. I held back any thoughts of getting a rod in place while they were there, and just kept watch.
After what seemed like an eternity of watching them move in and out of the area I ceased my chance and quickly got a baited rig onto the route they were using down to my right.
My left hand rod was spooned in with a good helping of chops and pellet right under a branch.
Within an hour, the group were back, totally oblivious to my presence, I had set the rods right back and very low, I'd positioned my brolly and kit behind the bankside vegetation, I knew I had done everything I could and all I had to do was wait. I felt sure the right hand rod would go and waited full of anticipation.
The wind had been pushing into this corner for a couple of days and it's also the area the sun first hits in the morning so even if I didn't get a fish during the day it was still game on for the morning.
It was a very hot day, there was a constant breeze pushing into the corner, I couldn't feel it being set up behind the long grass.
It just seemed to get hotter and hotter, I gotten through a gallon of water that day, I don't do well in the heat of the sun, I even had to take a couple of ibuprofen as the heat had just started to kick off a headache, but still I remained and waited.
Nothing happened all night long apart from the constant buzzing of mosquitos that kept me awake for quite some time.
Eventually I did fall asleep and awoke to a lovely calm morning, overcast but still warm, the water was still.
As I gathered myself and put the stove on for the first coffee of the day I noticed something out of the corner if my eye.
A movement over my left hand spot, nothing too visual but water displacement. It's difficult to explain this kind of movement, it's not a definite sign of a fish but more the aftermath of something moving water, a bit like when you get a take off a big fish close in, the water almost drops as the fish charges off.
I kept watch and saw a tail, the very tip silently broke the surface. I couldn't see the fish as it was still pretty dark, my heart skipped a beat and I knew a bite was immanent.
I quickly slipped on my boots and kept watch, something was definitely moving and the clock was ticking as I had to start packing up in an hour.
That hour passed so quickly and I didn't receive any kind of indication, I knew something must of been wrong.
It wasn't until I wound in, that I knew what had happened. The pop up was missing, damn crayfish I thought, or words to that affect, and although absolutely gutted at the thought of missing a bite, it was comforted by the fact I knew I had done everything right, it was just one of those unlucky moments.