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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/18 in all areas

  1. From user as you are opinion counts more!
    1 point
  2. A) I didn’t pay £170 😉 b) I believe the snapping only affected the mk 1 rods ive Not seen anything relating to the mk2’s snapping c) did you see terry Edmonds reviews of them and how far he cast with them? I am not overly familiar with terry but I do know he’s a machine and can cast some serious distance (over 200yds with a scope prototype) either way each to his/her own I suppose, and can fully understand where you are coming from.....no doubt if I had read all the bad reviews I would have given them a wide birth but they perform fine for me and that’s all I can base my opinion on 😁
    1 point
  3. I have 2 10ft dwarfs 2.75tc they have served me well so far and have also come in handy on the river for a bit of barbel fishing
    1 point
  4. spr1985

    Rucksack what one?

    Nash do one that fits your description perfectly it’s called the “Nash black ops Patrol pack” I have one, you can fit plenty in it plus fit an extensive amount of outer pouches to the webbing if you so wish, it also has buckle fastening to attach the “Nash flat mat” i haven’t had any issues with mine at all and had it for two seasons out in all sorts of conditions. Obviously take notice of what others have said re quality as they obviously have personal experience using it and make your own mind up 😁
    1 point
  5. sharpy86

    Rucksack what one?

    I have recently got the Aqua Deluxe Roving Rucksack. I absolutely love it. Fits my needs perfectly, love having a modular system with bags to fit in certain areas. It means that I know where everything is, at all times. All the benefits of a decent Carryall, but the flexibility of a rucksack.
    1 point
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