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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/17 in all areas

  1. ianfrog

    Fishing around J6 (M25)

    I look forward to hearing what you think ! I don't think you will ever break any records there but it is a truly beautiful place ! By the way my first 20lb pike and some great still water chub were resident in my day ! Cheers Ian
    1 point
  2. ianfrog

    Fishing around J6 (M25)

    Unfortunately I moved away from that area long ago (1987 to be precise) Weirwood wasn't open to us scruffy coarse fishing types back then. Pipinford is on the main road from East Grinstead going towards the coast, look for the sign for Chelwood Vachery on the right and pull into the layby on the left (all information given liable to be out of date !) 6 or 7 lakes at the bottom of a valley try looking it up on the web ! Absolutely cracking place and the first place I ever shared with a red deer coming down for a drink, also squaddies with thunder flashes in the middle of the night lol. If you find it and go down let me know what you think. Cheers Ian
    1 point
  3. I believe Hedgecourt is a members only lake, something to do with Isfield AC? They also run several other sites around Crawley & East Grinstead including one within the Church of Scientology grounds. Which I have been told has rarely been fished in years. Who knows what may be in that lake or how big?
    1 point
  4. Funnily enough a colleague who lives in Crawley is due to fish Hunters Lodge this weekend. I had heard it is nice and quiet and the owner restricts the number of anglers there. I fished Wire Mill with my son some years ago. Not a good day as I remember (grass was taller than him) and the guy with the speedboat and his waterskier mate didn't help. I fished a half day at Tandridge Lake last Tuesday and had three nice carp between 3-9lb. The other anglers all seemed to get a very good mixed bag. Still no sign of the elusive 20+lb's or the tench. But we know they are there. Somewhere Jeff's Lake at Beaver Farm was fishing brilliantly. I went there twice in mid July and everyone seemed to be catching carp up to low doubles.
    1 point
  5. Ian, It's called Saint Hill Manor now. You have to go through the main security gate and show your membership and rod licence to security. Apparently it's at their discretion as to whether or not you get in. Or out I did a delivery last year to the manor (before I knew they had a lake) and it was a weird experience. Cameras watch you as you drive in, you have to be buzzed in, give them the reg no, tell them where you are going and you are watched all the way until you leave. The freaky bit was the staff, members, or whatever you call them. They all dress and look the same. I thought I was in a movie
    0 points
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