carpenwater Posted April 24, 2006 Report Posted April 24, 2006 Has anyone fished cobbleacre lakes in norfolk? A lovely lake with two islands. We decided to go for a 3 night session on the specimen lake as we had been told it was an excellent fishery with some lovely carp and lots of big cats. We made the booking and was told by latest bailiff Bob there would be no more than 8 anglers fishing the lake, excellent we thought. We contacted the fishery a few days before our visit and was told "its fishing its nuts off mate, you will get loads out". We couldnt wait to get there. We arrived at the fishery on Friday morning after a 2hr drive only to find most of the swims where occupied! We found the bailiff Bob to see what was going on and found out he had fully booked the lake with 15 anglers and the lake only has 15 swims! not impressed as we was told there would only be 8 of us. So we had to wait for swims to free up! Bob all so told us that it was fishing really well but when we spoke to the other anglers, hardly anything had been caught all week, think the bailiff must have talking about another lake! once we did get fishing we soon realised that this was not the easy lake we had been lead to believe. No fish where landed in the first 24hrs by anyone but we did manage to stalk 2 out of the reeds on crust. A 18lb mirror and a 12lb common, apperently there are no fish under 15lb so that was not true! Nothing else came out in the next 24hrs even though the bailiff told us different! Let us know if you have fished this place lately. And the tiolets where full of crap too! Quote
barricorps Posted April 24, 2006 Report Posted April 24, 2006 im afraid that sounds all too familiar to me. And i thought we were the only ones that didnt rate this place! We also fished it recently and was told exactly the same things by bob the baliff most of which turned out to be a pack of lies. we were also told that there would only be ten anglers on the lake in total when we arrived to find every swim had been booked out. we were also told that all the fish were 20 plus and lake was "fishing its nuts off" but after talking to ther anglers nothing had been out all week . we managed one manky looking common of just under 12lb in 48hrs and that was with 4 of us fishing 2 rods for 48 hrs. The lake itself (marios) is very pretty and reasonably tidy but that is its only redeeming feature. As new people were turning up we could hear him telling lies about fish that had been out recently!! cobbleacre lakes like many others is not there for anglers ,its there to make big money for its owners and will do so anyway it has to even if it means telling blokes from 50 miles away a load of rubbish just to get you down there. Quote
carpenwater Posted April 24, 2006 Author Report Posted April 24, 2006 Hi fellow cobble victim, didnt think we would be the only people to have had a bad experience at this lake! That is correct what you say about the money making aspect! We got the same impression that the place is just a money making exercise and the fish are made to suffer for it. If only these fisheries would give their investment some appreciation, the fish need time to recover from constant bombardment of fishing pressure. The second morning we heard the owner telling some new arrivals that several fish had been caught close to the island from the Lawn swim, but as we where fishing the lawn swim and only had one fish from the reeds, not the island. What story did you get about the catfish? The bailiff told us they had over forty cats to 45lb and none had come out this year but was told by a regular angler this was rubbish. The cats go to 35lb and there is only 10 present even though they advertise a lot more! We get the idea that this Bob bloke is on commission for every day ticket he sells and to do this he spurts a load of crap making out the fishery is the nuts!!!!! think this place has seen better days, shame as it is a lovely looking lake. Quote
pezza Posted April 25, 2006 Report Posted April 25, 2006 The comments above are exactly why I on ly fish Cobbleacre in the winter. I must admit I've never caught a carp from marios under 18lb, is that the lake you was fishing? I feel abit sorry for Bob as belive me it is not him that is recking the place it is Trevor the owner. Trevor has never fished in his life and will happily tell you that. Trevor made Bob sell season tickets on the lake this season (not including weeekends) so basically day anglers is max of 8 then the rest is kept for season ticket holders. Regards the place not being easy I have had 9 pms in the last month asking me about this place and I've told them all it is not easy. The majority of fish come to the locals and they are all on they same bait, and belive me they put a lot in. Regards the coment it's fishing it's tits off, that might be a bit of an over statement the fish that have come out in the last 2 weeks to my knolage (this is fact as I have seen the fish landed or pictured) is casper again at just over 30lb 12 differant 20s. I'll never fish this place from end of march untill November as I hate it there during these months. Quote
trees Posted April 25, 2006 Report Posted April 25, 2006 Sounds like Roys Parsons talking to us about St. Johns a couple of years back before we went fishing there for a week, only it wasn't packed. :mad: Quote
pezza Posted April 25, 2006 Report Posted April 25, 2006 I'll allso add some facts to this thread so if people are planning to go there they will know the differance between fact and fiction There are around 100 carp 70 of which are 20s. There are 3 x 30s, the only 30lber to come out so far this season is Casper twice, once at 33lb in march and the other last week at 30lb.12. There are only 17 cats in there the biggest is 35lb No bream Around a dozen tench It's £20 for 24 hrs for 3 rods. Most of the carp I've seen/ had out have been stunning, but bear in mind that most of these have been in there winter colours. My favoured swims would be Snags, beach, lazy mans, Caspers. I would not recomend this place to any one in the main season, as it will be busy. They rent caravans out as well so it's busy with familys, kids dogs running around all day is the norm during the holiday. I hope this thread will help... Quote
carpenwater Posted April 25, 2006 Author Report Posted April 25, 2006 thanks for your input pezza, as i said it is a lovely looking lake and the pictures of the fish we saw looked superb. It was just the false impression we had been given by the bailiff, he seems to tell people exactly what they want to hear! We spoke to Bob twice prior to our visit and each time he told us the lake would not be fully booked and that loads of fish had been coming out from nearly every swim on the lake! We was told the cats where a lot bigger and there was a lot more of them too! Another angler on our visit said he had been told there was about 50 cats to well over 45lb! When you travel for two hours to get to a lake that you have been told is fishing its nuts off and you find most of the swims are occupied and nothing much was coming out, thats a joke!! Why do these fishery owners do this? must be down to making as much short term money as possible. Atleast people can get a clearer image of the place from the points raised. Quote
carpenwater Posted April 25, 2006 Author Report Posted April 25, 2006 yes we was fishing marios lake... Quote
shunt Posted July 26, 2006 Report Posted July 26, 2006 I can only speak from experience. Recently got back from my second trip to Cobbleacres. I found Bob to be honest and most helpful. Details given to me by Bob were backed up by a few of the locals I know up there (Its a five hour trip for me) It is certainly not an easy water by any stretch of the imagination. On my last visit, i had a 22lb 2oz Common and lost two bigger fish, and the missus had a catfish at 28lb on the nose, having lost another one the previous night. As for bait, the majority of the season ticket holders do not use a lot of bait. Large beds of bait spook the fish as does spodding. A bait boat is a must to hit the swims under the islands. While i've been there, there have never been more than 8 anglers on at any one time, including season ticket holders. Quote
pezza Posted July 26, 2006 Report Posted July 26, 2006 How's it looking down there mate? What did Bob say has been out? I'll probably be down there again this winter as there is one or two fish in there I still want to get. Quote
salokcinnodrog Posted July 26, 2006 Report Posted July 26, 2006 I Wonder Why Bob did Leave Taverham Mills? Same thing happened there. He was not entirely honest about what was being caught and from where. Quote
shunt Posted July 27, 2006 Report Posted July 27, 2006 The lake looks good. All the lakes now have aerators installed. The reeds swim on Mario's is no longer fishable as a result. There are two on Marios but the second is between the lawn and the top bank, not really a hinderance unless something makes a dive for the treeline. The fish were spawning when I was there, apart from my common and the missus's cat, there were about 7 or 8 fish taken during the week, biggest being 25lb. There were a couple of kittens caught so the cats are breeding ok. The previous week had seen 4 or 5 fish out plus a cat of 32lb (confirmed by the regulars) Adams lake has thrown up a couple of 25lb-ers, I think is was three different fish in 10 days. A mate that fishes it on a regular basis, has had over 20 20's since February. (if you are planning your first trip to this venue, don't believe for a minute that it is an easy water...cause it ain't) There are plans to turn Adam's lake into another Mario's. That's if Bob can talk Trevor into parting with some more cash for stock. The tackle shop is looking good now, plenty of stock in a new portacabin. The old portacabin which was the shop, showers and toilets has been gutted and was being refitted when I left with new toilets and showers. I've also heard a rumour, that Bob is trying to convince Trevor to purchase the field behind Marios for another lake. Trevor is also supposed to be retiring and handing the reigns to his son, Andrew and everyone who knows Trevor and Andrew, can't wait for the change to take place. At the end of the day, they are both businessmen with a passion for making money, the difference being that Andrew appreciates the need to plough some of that cash back into the fishery Quote
shunt Posted August 21, 2006 Report Posted August 21, 2006 I'm not sure if I will get moderated for this one, but if anyone wants to stay ahead of the going's on at Cobbleacres, it might be worth checking out This is a carp forum based in Norfolk dealing predominantly with the Norfolk/Suffolk carp scene. The forum is nowhere like as big as this one but the members are all helpful friendly guys and a hive of information on their local waters. Quote
Guest reizend Posted August 26, 2006 Report Posted August 26, 2006 After fishing it off and on for the last 18 years. I WILL NEVER EVER GO BACK. Full of 1lb cats Most days 12 anglers or more. Reads to far into lake making fish hide behind reads and very rearly come out. Too expencive. Old bailiff that will not shut up. Most of the 29lb plus fish never exhisted as used to prmote fishery. lots of carp around the 5lb mark mostly from the snags. big shame Quote
Guest reizend Posted August 26, 2006 Report Posted August 26, 2006 should read where not to fish Quote
shunt Posted August 27, 2006 Report Posted August 27, 2006 Quote After fishing it off and on for the last 18 years.I WILL NEVER EVER GO BACK. Full of 1lb cats Most days 12 anglers or more. Reads to far into lake making fish hide behind reads and very rearly come out. Too expencive. Old bailiff that will not shut up. Most of the 29lb plus fish never exhisted as used to prmote fishery. lots of carp around the 5lb mark mostly from the snags. big shame None of the above matches the "Mario's" at Cobbleacres that I've been fishing. I've never seen a carp come out at less than 16lb, only ever seen two cats less than 17lb and never seen more than 8 people on at a time and I've seen countless fish over the 25lb mark Quote
Guest reizend Posted August 27, 2006 Report Posted August 27, 2006 Then Sir, either you do not get down there very often or you are one of the now famous cobbleache promoters. Dont make me laugh Quote
Guest reizend Posted August 27, 2006 Report Posted August 27, 2006 Quote from Shunt; There were a couple of kittens caught so the cats are breeding ok. The previous week had seen 4 or 5 fish out plus a cat of 32lb (confirmed by the regulars) Yes the gentleman is correct the cats are breeding very nicely. and yes the bailiff confirmed the 32lb carp to all the regulars. As for buiness men yep have to agree with that too. They are trying to get as much money as they can as soon as they can. This is so the anglers can fund the building of log cabins all round the lakes so that they can be sold off there rendering the lakes private. As Colin told me, just like waverney valley. Quote
Guest reizend Posted August 27, 2006 Report Posted August 27, 2006 Just talked to the old bailiff. He said; Did the 20x 20lb simmo fish get put in the spec lake. No I said. Trevor must have cancelled them. Must have Quote
Guest reizend Posted August 28, 2006 Report Posted August 28, 2006 God us anglers are stupid. The place is heaving. More anglers than fish. Quote
Guest reizend Posted August 28, 2006 Report Posted August 28, 2006 Now they've cut back some of the swims so you can get more on there. Thats nice atleast you can all fish next to each other now and have a nice chat Quote
shunt Posted August 29, 2006 Report Posted August 29, 2006 Quote Then Sir, either you do not get down there very often or you are one of the now famous cobbleache promoters.Dont make me laugh You're right, I do not get there that often, I do a couple of weeks a year. I was there last in June. You clearly have a complete downer on the place and I respect that, but I speak as I find and I stand by all that I have said. I am in touch was a few of the regulars and they would be the first to voice their concerns if things were as bad as you say, but to date I have had no negative feedback at all. As for being a "now famous cobbleacre promoter", as I've already said, I speak as I find and I feel your comment was unjustified and un-called for. Perhaps your anging ability is such that Mario's is too difficult for you or perhaps you are fishing one of the other lakes on the complex by mistake. Personally, I've never had a fish out of Mario's at less than 22lb 2oz. Quote
Guest reizend Posted August 29, 2006 Report Posted August 29, 2006 Well my man my angling abillity may be in question but mario's lake has declined dramatically. I can name many of the regulars over the last 3 years who have left. Some, because of the stupidly small cats that will not leave you alone. Some, because of the succesfull spawning that has taken place i.e. lots of little carp. But mostly because of the new management polocies i.e. Over crowded, Over priced, Over fished. Over baited. Oh yes and the b***sh&t staff that run it. Quote
singletoner Posted September 5, 2006 Report Posted September 5, 2006 i have been fishing cobbleacre now for about 3 months on and off and have caught around 38 carp from the spec lake marios 29 of witch have been over 20lbs and these so called small cats i havent caught a single one of them. i will say one thing about bob he is a good bloke and will do anything for anyone providing you dont s**t on him. since i have been fishing the lake i wound say i have seen around 35-40 different 20lb carp on the bank, 4 x 30lb carp on the bank and loads of 30+cats and thats just the ones i have seen on the bank while i have been there Quote
salokcinnodrog Posted September 5, 2006 Report Posted September 5, 2006 I'm not going to get to far into the Fishery Debate, but Bob left Taverham Mills in a hurry! I had fished there for over 10years and know the Lake better than he does. He would try to tell me where to fish and to do this and do that. He exaggerated Fish numbers and sizes Caught. Many Anglers disliked him and his "False Information". Simon the Taverham Fishery Manager would tell exactly what was caught, but with no embroidering the story. As far as Cobbleacre goes when I was living in Norfolk it was known as a very good fishery, but mostly stocked with Small Carp up to Mid Doubles, but bear in mind this was over 10years ago though. New Lakes have been dug and stocked since I left Norfolk Quote
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