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Anyone fished patshull park church/Barbra pool

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The biggest in church is around upper 20ties nothing like it was ten years ago lot of the originals have died lot of stockies some nice ones some not so, carnt really add much more to what I've said on previous thread there nice lakes, all depends what you want out your angling but best part of 400 is steep for what the stock is now imo.

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Yes mate I thought that I was going to go on barbs but don't know the stock I know Nick Burrage had a nice mirror out of there but don't no if it's still in there or been moved

Yea I had that mirror couple of times that mirror isn't about anymore I don't think, there was a stunning apple sliced zip linear in there but that's defonately gone. There rumours that the parrot one of the old church pool A team is in the Barbras now. It's worth fishing still I reckon and it's fairly cheap ticket if you just join Barbras. Just be prepared to put some time and blanks in and I'm sure you get a few out of there. When I fished it there was proberly 20 fish in there biggest been that mirror few mid 20ties and the rest upper doubles and low 20ties. It rarely gets fished you have it to yourself most the time.

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