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  • 1 month later...

hi there ,a couple of my mates went last july/august.it was when france was in the middle of a monster heat wave.they said it was truely horrendous due to the heat , they just could not get out of it.they said they estimated between 20-30 fish died due to the heat .the service they received was shocking and would not recomend it

  • 3 months later...

hey pal. just got back from lac de passion last week, 4 of us went and all come back smiles. the fishing is 2nd to none. lots of 30s out and 2 40s. 55+ fish alltogether, I would defo get the food package again its 10/10 and tony (bailif) is a top guy and can help out endlessly, there was nothing at all any of us cud complain about. can put some pics up for you if you like. Also read our catch report in the book if u go. its in april, titled proper yorkshire men ! lol.

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