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????? read the back of the packet :wink:


Also (i know this wasn't the question but as its a misleading title someone may find this useful)- I Actually find that the Korda shrink tube is better than the E-S-P and the Fox, which makes a change.

????? read the back of the packet :wink:


Also (i know this wasn't the question but as its a misleading title someone may find this useful)- I Actually find that the Korda shrink tube is better than the E-S-P and the Fox, which makes a change.


I know the questions mis leading but when i mentioned the question which included ESP i got no replies so thought Id change it. Plus i thought id be better off asking here then going all the way to the tackle shop to "read the Packet" only to find out that they might not of had the right size in stock


well you need to compare the thickness of your chosen hook to the hook that they guide you buy, for example you may find that they suggest using the 1.2mm (small) version with size 10 E-S-P raptor hooks.

Compare the thickness of those hooks with your hooks and bobs your uncle :)


I would imagine that the hooks you mentioned are thinner than the E-S-P so the 1.2mm would be fine.

However i find that the 1.6mm more useful as i can use it on my smallest hooks and largest without it being unsightly or fiddly.

If you're going to buy over the Net so you cant compare- i would go for the 1.6mm :)


You probably didn't get a reply because you were so specific with ESP tube on the other thread. It can take a few days for someone who has the particular information you asked to get onto the forum.


Even your headline question on this thread is misleading,, it is only because I usually read EVERY post that I even bothered reading this thread at all


The best Shrink tube is NOT bought from a Tackle shop at all! :wink:


Go into Maplins and have a look at the 1.4mm, or go to Mo's Co on e-bay or and have a look at the shrink tube he sells. :wink:


In my view those are the best and I do use B175's, but very rarely use shrink tube on them :wink:

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