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luckily for me i've bumped into these lakes and there not to far of a drive for me, however, i'm just curious about something, if i was to join up and get a season ticket to one of the lakes would i be able to fish nights along with days? and fish there as frequently as i like?


I'm after joining a lake and paying a yearly permit or season permit as such to try and get some solid fishing in at such lake, but how do these season permits work?



luckily for me i've bumped into these lakes and there not to far of a drive for me, however, i'm just curious about something, if i was to join up and get a season ticket to one of the lakes would i be able to fish nights along with days? and fish there as frequently as i like?


I'm after joining a lake and paying a yearly permit or season permit as such to try and get some solid fishing in at such lake, but how do these season permits work?


If you buy a season permit you can fish when you like, the day ticket lakes are all different but most of them you can night fish you just need to buy a 24 hour ticket.


ok, i think i understand what your saying, with a season ticket i can fish the lakes asfrequently as ilike however thelakemustpermit nights and daysto be able to fish nights?


p.s sorry, i'vejust broke my spacebar :evil:

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