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  1. Hi there Are you a current serving member of any of the Emergency Services and a keen carp angler??? Then would you like to fish two major competitions against like minded carp anglers from the other Emergency Services and Military then send me an email at tjgray1968@hotmail.co.uk We have had great response recently from the Fire Service but we are actively seeking even more contacts, attached below is a poster which you can copy/save and please post or send out in as many groups as you want to as we'd love to hear from you. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Cheers Tim Co-Organiser Forces Carp Classic & Forces Carp Classic - UK www.forcescarpclassic.co.uk / www.fcc-uk.com
  2. Are you an Ex - Forces Member of any of the Armed Forces?? That's Royal Navy / Royal Marine, Army and Royal Air Force Interested in getting together with other ExMils.?? In a Carp Fishing Group that holds events and Championships throughout the year. I run a club designed just for ExMil Carp Anglers and we are currently seeking new members. We currently hold 3 or 4 events per year, more can be developed if there is a call for them but we hold our own Championships and a few friendly 48hr events against other Teams. If your interested and are either Ex - Royal Navy/Royal Marine, Royal Air Force or Army then send me a pm. Check our website out at www.exmilcarpers.com or you can email me at emcgsec@hotmail.com. We are also on Facebook at ExMil Carp Group (EMCG) Cheers Tim Secretary ExMil Carp Group (EMCG)
  3. Hi there, email me at emcgsec@hotmail.com Ill be in touch... Cheers Tim
  4. Are you an Ex - Member of any of the Armed Forces?? Interested in getting together with other ExMils.?? I run a club designed just for ExMil Carp Anglers and we are currently seeking new members. We currently hold 3 or 4 events per year, more can be developed if there is a call for them but we hold our own Championships and a few friendly 48hr events against other Teams. If your interested and are either Ex - Royal Navy, Royal Air Force or Army then send me a pm. Cheers Tim ExMil Carp Club, Secretary
  5. Is there no interest out there then..??? Cheers Tim
  6. The Forces Carp Classic is looking for you.... Are you in any of the following groups Armed Forces - Army, Navy, RAF or Ex members.... Emergency Services - Fire, Police, Ambulance Civil Service / MGS / Reserve Then get in touch, it really is the best event out there, and that's from Bev Clifford. If you are interested then send for details. Message, Ring or Text too Russ & Tim at forcescarpclassic@Hotmail.co.uk or 07825 335648 Russ & Tim FCC Organisers
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