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Everything posted by keeno86

  1. Beat me to it, PVA is a must on them rigs, nightmare for a tangle. I use foam on everything i chuck out these days tbh, better to be safe than sorry.
  2. Thanks for all the input guys, ive pulled the trigger, after speaking to my step dad, he said to go with what i truly want or ill only regret it in the long run, so went with the longbow spod and marker and also the dedicated spod. Gotta say i feel better now, better than i would have going for ones that didnt match my rods. Ill let you all know how i get on with them, hopefully they be here before my trip this weekend.
  3. I still haven't tried this rig, from what ive seen on youtube/dvd you are able to tell if you have been done by a carp because the loop slides tight up the shank of hook to indicate this, but surely it wouldnt be fishing right after this has happened, if it was then surely there would be no need for the d/loop section going down the shank. While i get its nice to know the fish have visited your spot, id rather have a rig that resets after i have been done? Now ive seen the use of hook bead i may give it a try though. The above is more a question...
  4. Got the fox one mate, had the korda finger one in my box for ages, but preferred the look of the ones that wrap around your hands.
  5. Another question on this topic. Do you lot reckon a 4.25lb spod and marker will cope with large spod/spomb up to 100 yards? Getting closer to the actaul purchase and think my heart set on the diawa whisker spod/marker but its 4.25lb.
  6. As i mentioned in an earlier post i prefer to use bank sticks or the buzz bars on just bank sticks not a pod. Ive had to lay a rod down while playing a fish, but cant see how that would be any different using bank sticks. Ive never had any of the issues mentioned and i used to a pod all the time. The reason for my change to stick/buzz bars on sticks is that there are cats up to 100lb ion the lake, while ive never had any issues with a pod moving on a take i just feel better having my kit pushed into the ground.
  7. Ive had a few of the decent ones and your right, no need tbh. I got a cheapy one of the bay, pod setup that had a total of 8 bank sticks making it up, used the pod once on a lake with concrete swims but apart from that just use bank sticks, much more secure.
  8. Most of these pods legs are actual banksticks mate, they screw onto the center frame., if the damage is to one of these then in may be possible to just add a cheaper adjustable bank stick to it. But as CM says use banksticks,where possible, the legs may come off of that as i said and be able to use an single banksticks anyhow.
  9. What would you lot recommend?
  10. While we on the subject of distance and the amount ill be using it. I started another thread about needing a shockleader or not, i got a 80lb braid here but its 0.50mm, i was going to use it on just a spod rod as i was only going to get the llongbow spod at the time, now ill be buying a spod and marker and after reading about the problems a really thick braid may cause, ive decided to go for whiplash in 30-45lb for marker set up and 50-65lb on spod, diameters are tiny on the whiplash, will i need a shockleader with that sort of breaking strain? As above i wont be giving it the biggun distance wise. I like the idea of no knot to leader tbh.
  11. This is the bad bit Hutch, ive never used one. So without giving it some welly at a lake im not gonna be the best judge. Thats why im drawn to the whisker as ive used daiwa rods since i started, have the longbows atm but i just cant stomach £400 on the spod and marker versions, the next one down is the whisker, same fittings and fixtures aswell. But am open to peoples opinions as i know very well that you dont believe everything you read on a online store, better to ask people who actually use em.
  12. Sound like a carpzone salesman here lol, But im sure cyborx will agree that the hurricane could easliy fit 2 wideboys with overwrap on going front to back with a nice gap down the middle. Ive see a few 2 man bivvys for around the money you are looking at and imo none come close. The other thing on the hurricane is the headroom. Tons of it.
  13. Im gonna have a closer look at this rod.
  14. I dont do a lot tbh mate, Its more for my zigging, ive got a nash ball maker which i can get a considerable distance, but the mix is just to dry to disperse in upper layers, hense the idea of a spomb to carry out my super sloppy zig mix. Im not a lover of particle tbh, if i can get away with boilies i will. So its not going to be every session, pobably very few tbh. Also i dont really fish over 80 yards, just prefer smaller waters or finding spots closer in on larger ones, thats why i like the look the whisker spod/marker, its 4.24tc so not an all out broom stick and will be easier to work with in close.
  15. I still havent mate, no need for the over wrap yet, still in its bag unused. Wanted to fish through winter but life got in the way. But i agree, easily another 50cm maybe more with the size of the peak on it.
  16. Same mate, wide style bed and still room for full recliner chair to sit in. Lovely bivvy for the money.
  17. Thanks for the input guys. The 2 rods that have made the shortlist are: Free Spirit CTX SPM Spomb / Marker Rod Diawa whisker df spod / marker Ill be going for the diawa emblem spod reels for both set ups. Cant decide between the 2 rods atm.
  18. Ive got the carpzone hurricane 2 man, comes with overwrap and lots of features for around the same money as the one your looking at. Had it a few years and not let me down once.
  19. Hey guys, you may have seen my other thread regarding the longbow df spod and marker. Ive always wanted the full set of longbow rods, having 3 x 3.5tc normal rods. As you are probably aware daiwa have brought out a new version of the longbows and infinity df models. I never really had the money to warrant £400 for spod and marker rods, but as they will soon be disappearing im feeling pushed to buy them. However after trying to do as much research on them as possible i keep coming across threads here and else where with people raving about lower price rods. My thinking is why kill myself to buy the longbow versions, if i break one i wont be able to replace it in years to come anyway, meaning i wont have the full set. Im still undecided as to what to do. Below are a list of cheaper rods that i like the look of or have heard good things about. Fox torque spod Nash entity duo spod and marker nash knx spod and marker Daiwa whisker spod and marker Anyone used any of the above? Or can recommend a good spod and marker set up for under £120 (per rod). Any help on this would be much appreciated as ive never owned a dedicated spod and marker rod, used old fishing rods in the past. I dont think ill be trying to hit over 100 yards as most of my fishing is close in but still be nice if the rod could do that. I do however plan to use the larger spods/spombs.
  20. In my head im thinking having the 2 4.5tc versions would be better, going on comments above and also that they should in theory reach the same distance and be the same to use. Also if i break a 4.5tc ill have another as back up for larger somb/smod. But the niggling thing in my head is why would they produce a 4.25tc version is the 4.5tc version was perfect for marker work aswell. I wish the tackle tart in me would do one so i wouldnt have to have the longbows spod/marker set up lol.
  21. Turns out i can now get both rods, or a dedicvated spod and marker. I would have gone for the 4.25tc spod and marker for marker float set up and the 4.5tc spod for spod set up. After reading the above im now thinking of going for 2 x 4.5tc rods. Nail biting stuff as i aint got a clue and ill be stuck with which ever 2 i choose to buy. any info lads, having a brain fart here.
  22. Thanks guys, 4.5tc it is.
  23. Hey guys, Anyone using the longbow df spod or the spod/marker version? I notice the dedicated spod is 4.5tc but the spod/marker duo is 4.25. I want to match my longbow rods but cant afford both versions atm, so i guess im asking what would you go for, the 4.25tc or 4.5tc. I doubt ill be trying to hit over 100 yards this year on the lakes ill be fishing. But really dont want to buy the 4.5tc and find its to heavy for marker work or get the4.25tc and find out its to light for spomb work. Any help on this would be much appreciated.
  24. Hey Guys, I love my fluro, been through em all and settled on x line. Really do love the stuff. Ive been told by someone that the new berkley cf600 fluro is as good. At £45 for 1200m its defo cheaper than the x line. Has anyone used the berkley cf600 connect fluro? any info would be great.
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