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    fishing, and erm, fishing

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  1. hi/ g@k/ i know this is a year old post, but i have only just seen it as i am a new member. as reg etang de cosse, i have fished it for a week, not sure what year it was, but it was the year when hull got flooded if thats any help. myself and my wife booked etang de cosse and to be honest it was the best holiday we have had in france, and weve had many. the fishing was unbelieveable. but we let lucky with the weather, the storm i mentioned earlier that flooded hull, the weather system was in a giant circle that stretched from hull in the north ,to limoges in the south which is close to st junien, were etang de cosse is located.this meant the weather was sunny/hot for an hour-then overcast and showers for an hour, perfect for getting oxygen in the water, and hence fish on the feed.it took me a day to locate the fish, and once i did it was hectic to say the least. on this fishery there arnt many pegs, and casting a line is tricky,because its perimeter has connifer trees around it.a boat is supplied and that is what i used. i would hop in the boat , with the bait and my rig in a bucket. the wife stays on the bank rod in hand. i would row to my spots maybe 40 yards, drop the lot over the side, row back and before i was at the bank the wife would be away.it was that quick.we were averaging around 25-30 carp per day, biggest low 30s with an average of mid 20s. all this in the most beatifull surroundings. the house was stunning, as was the lake.all in all the best weeks fishing we ever had.and no problems with siret (whatever that is) now im sure the weather helped with the catch rate, but i would stay there and if i blanked i wouldnt be too much bothered. it is a bit pricey tho. thx 4 reading, and sorry for my spelling, its shocing (lol)
  2. hi all/ im off to france this summer, i will be fishing a couple of lakes around angouleme and limoges. i was toying with the idea of a bit of river fishing on the charente . i have looked online to get some info, but with little succsess. any1 out there fished the charente? any info would be welcome. cheers dollydumptruck
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