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Mr TightLines

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Everything posted by Mr TightLines

  1. When ledger fishing, like carpinthenet said, you do not need to strike your rod. You should wait for the alarms to bleep, and your line should be spooled off as you should be using a bait runner reel. You wait for the fish to hook itself unlike that of floating fishing where striking the rod is necessary. I agree it's probably just line knocks from passing fish, or movement around your bait causing little bleeps. Certainly never strike when ledger fishing. Good luck!
  2. Thank you very much for all your comments.
  3. I'm not new to carp fishing, but new to bigger venunes and complicated At the moment I use a very simple rig show here if you click the link provided however the hair rig is made with braid. http://www.masterblanker.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/beginners011_resize.jpg I don't fish huge venues, I'm moving into the size of a few acres, nothing to big. I won't be casting large distances, more so a maximum of probably 20 metres. Basically I've read and heard of loads of rigs such as chod rigs and helicopter rigs but what I'm looking for is a safe (fish welfare) and effective rig which can be used on most venues and have a great chance of catching. When you guys suggest rigs, could you please provide a picture so I know what is looks like which includes how the lead is attached etc etc. Basically an idiots guide to tying that rig. Much appreciated!
  4. I've moved on to fishing on the ledger rather than float fishing in order to catch larger carp. This is my rig: I put a ledger bomb straight onto my mainline, then a small bead and straight onto a swivel. The swivel obviously leads down onto a size 10 hook with a hair rig for a boilie. The line between the swivels and hook is braid (12lb) and the mainline is 12-15lb depending where I go. (This Is probably too heavy for the fish I catch currently). Think it may be known as a running ledger rig. It's very simple. I've you've got tips or new rigs, please explain fully as I'm no pro when it comes to tying rigs. Is this rig a good rig? I use the hair rig thing generally 8" long so the boilie pops up nicely.
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