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  1. Used to buy the unscented stuff from the supermarket and it worked a treat but just gone to get some more and they only seem to sell the minty stuff now. I bought some anyways just incase it's just as good or doesn't make any difference. Or does it ?
  2. Maybe some involvement of the new monster squid would go down a treat
  3. would love to know what the carp thinks as it bites into a nice pickled boilie ! is it pickled juice or just the water it was cooked in ?
  4. pike is a common fish to eat in Scandinavia where it is called Hauki. There two most common white meat fish to eat are Pike and Perch.
  5. I go on yearly trips to the lake district mostly for the camping but we also fish through the day ... This year I was planning on taking all my gear and sitting it out to catch some of the big pike there. The best thing to do is fish lake windermere as no permit is required apart from EA License. and just drive around looking over to the waters edge until you find a spot ... There are no pegs so its fish where you think is comfortable but ive tended to find a clear patch amongst the trees with just enough room to cast thats where you find the fish hang out away from the noise. Had some big trout out of there and there great eating too ! This year I think it will be the pike ile be trying to catch. I have seen lads on there with the carp gear and boilies. But if there are carp in there there are not alot and I think it will take more than a few kg's and a trip down to bag one.
  6. I havnt got sky so havnt seen many think tackle programmes, but would be a stunning fish on the bank! Will have to see what underwater 8 brings! I don't have sky either it was on youtube where i saw it.
  7. I was praying for that box common to fall victim all the way through after seeing Adam Penning catch it in last years thinking tackle I wanted to see how fat it had gone since then.
  8. Check out these two waters. http://www.birchgrovefishing.co.uk http://www.stoneylakes.co.uk Both well kept waters and both fished by very respected anglers from all over the UK.
  9. Ahh didn't realise this was an old thread brought up did not check dates and assumed you meant Sep 2013. ha ha my apologies.
  10. Just had a look on there website it looks like a great lake. Good luck hope you get a 50 or 60
  11. Yeah ive thought about that one but im not an all boilie angler i like to bait up with particles. but saying that I'm guessing they would sit on the shod too. I was thinking more about getting the bait out there too whats the best way im fishing around 50 yards into a snag
  12. Well let me start by saying. I Have no experience with fishing a shod because all of my fishing i have been able to use other rigs and setups that have worked really well for me. I just joined my new syndicate water and it a really dated lake with a lot of foliage coverage as well as it is fully tree lined. There is a lot of leaves and silt all over the bottom even the known bars are covered in the stuff. So I think I'm going to try the chod rig. Ive been tying them up for about 2 months and I'm confident with the safety and the presentation of the rigs now i just need to apply them to my fishing. I know there are many ways to bait over the top of this ... So my question is ... What is the most effective way of baiting over the top of a chod rig presentation wise ?
  13. Wrightington is worth a look at.
  14. so you think the leadcore is my problem with the tangles. and yeah I'm aware of the downsides of lead core. first few sessions the line was getting caught up in snags before even getting chance to get takes. and when i added the leadcore it seemed to stop. but if i can get around this then im very willing. I have some lead clips i will try fishing it naked. hopefully fethering the lind with out the leadcore will help.
  15. Yeah I'm using it safely i have cut down the lead clip to its minimum length and I'm dropping the lead on every take. I am using lead core because it suits the situation that I am fishing. And yeah I was trying feathering the line. Either it's not working for me or I'm not quite getting to grips with it.
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