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    west midlands

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  1. I'm sure you can do nights on Drayton.
  2. No non at all. That's why I lock the knot I place to stop it opening and closing during the fight. If your still worried just add some silicon tubing so it forms a kicker.
  3. 12lb mono hook link is my fall back rig. Fished straight though with double bottom baits. Just whip back up the knotless knot a couple of times to lock it in place.
  4. Do a bit of digging on the internet bud. Nige is spot on by the way.
  5. I know of about 5 or 6. But if I told ya id have to kill ya lolz.
  6. A lad at work showed me the pics on the lads fb page. Both caught in the same session. Not bad for a park water.
  7. 31lb common and a 28lb sturgeon came out last week. Have saw pictures, the commons mint.
  8. Evening everyone and Happy Easter. Does anybody know how its fishing? Or been there recently? Thanks in advance Chris.
  9. The knot beds down pretty small so can't see an issue.
  10. Compared to leadcore or a safe zone leader its quite light.
  11. Thanks for the link and yes the flouro will be used as a leader .
  12. I'll give it ago thanks for the quick reply.
  13. hiya lads what knot do you use to connect flourocarbon to mono? The flouro im going to use is 20lb to a 12lb mainline. Would the back to back grinner be ok?
  14. come on guys help a fellow angler out does any body no how big they go to and the avarage size?
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