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Everything posted by scol

  1. Les étangs de l'abbaye
  2. My site offers an automatic translation module. Here is the url including translation: http://www.colinmaire.net/en/ scol
  3. Hello I invite you to discover my site in the form of fact sheets detailing the public and private lakes in France. http://www.colinmaire.net By Scol
  4. Hello I invite you has to discover my site which presents more than 100 large lakes of France presented in the form of detailed cards http://scolinmaire.free.fr/saucissons91/index.php scol PS : Indeed, this site has for single vocation to share knowledge on large lakes of France. I one am impassioned of fishing to carp and I created this site for quite simply dividing with others impassioned which I regularly meet at the edges of the large lakes of France. This site does not have any claim; it is free and will remain it I thus hope very sincerely that my site will help you for your next sessions in France. Scol
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