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  1. Hi I have been using it for years, just bought a spool of 6lb today to put on my new pin. It's a very good quality line. Paul
  2. Hi Passion for angling and catching the impossible for me as well, don't know if it's been on TV but Martin Bowlers 4 seasons is also well worth a watch, also many moons ago I also used to enjoy a river somewhere but that's going back a bit. JW was also good but couldn't stand his inessent laughing, Andy Little was another one that had an annoying laugh IIRC. Also,the series by IIRC Paul Merredith was also quite watchable. My all time worst has to be the early stuff by MH Butbno one is allowed to mention him But the latter stuff is quite watchable. Couldn't stand Rex Hunt though, especially his habit of using rediculasly light rods, but no one mentions him nowadays for some reason Paul.
  3. Hi It might be better to use dead maggots in your PVA bags, that way that won't wriggle away and a big bunch (20 or more) of live maggots on the hook. Paul
  4. For me its either running or heli rigs and both are done just using the main line, no leaders for me (LeadCore or anything else). Just a John Roberts clip. Also going against the trend I don't use rigs that drop lead weights all over the lake either and never had any broblems doing it that way either. Paul
  5. "Gloucester Park " I remember it well, I fished there the day princess d died. All I remember is that they had a very very good head of rats there and the fish where rather on the small side, but then again its not a very big bit of water so wouldn't expect to see much in excess of 10 pounds anyway. Has all the usual suspects regarding fish and Football Hooligan Anglers. Its also quite a walk from either car park so take you barrow with you, and mind the Goose poo, there's loads of that here as well. You probably guessed I was not too impressed with the place. Paul
  6. Thanks for the link salokcinnodrog, looks like I will be saving myself some money then. I actually already use Fluro for my hook lengths and main line, so think I will be sticking to it, but was just wondering as so many of the “TV” fishermen use leaders of some sort that I was starting to think there was more to it than I could see. Glad to see now that there is not. Thanks
  7. Hi guy Been reading a bit about the use of leaders, both the lead Core type and the newer safe type sold by Korda etc. Is there a safe way to make a leader that is easy for the fish to eject it after a main line breakage. I know with the Helicopter variety the hook link will easily fall off if the main line breaks but what about the running lead type. Obviously they can be made to easily eject the weight but whets to stop the fish swimming about with a yard of leader attached until it can eject the hook. Thanks for any help with this Paul
  8. I fished this site today and was quite impressed with the setup, I didn't have much luck in the Carp lake and I wasn't the only one. I moved onto the "River" for the last couple of hours and pulled quite a few Tench and Chub out, all around 2.5 pounds and got mugged by a big Barble and there was quite a few of those pulled out by other anglers as well. This is one site I will be going back to. Paul
  9. Thanks for the help guys All sorted now Paul
  10. Hi Guys When using Bait floss to tie a popup boily to a hook, whats the best knot to use. I was told to use a slip knot, is that correct. If it is how do you tie a slip knot as all the examples I can find are to do with kniting. Thanks for any help Paul
  11. Hi Guys As subject, are there any good fishing clubs in or around North Kent, I am on the Isle of Sheppey and was looking for a club with some good lakes and or Rivers under its control. Thanks Paul
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