Hi all
I have only recently got into carp fishing and wanted to start making my own rigs etc... so i pop into my local lakes tackle shop (which shall remane nameless) to seek some advice and get some bits and bobs. i was explaining to he shop staff how i fished (mainly using pva bags and method feeders) and liked the idea of having a quick change set up in place to try different things and mean i dont have to tie knot after knot. He instantly suggested using a lead core leader with a quick link system on my mainline and an in-line weight in-between 2 ring swivels, one for the quick link, one to the hook length. Not only that but showed me how to loop the lead core round the swivel (as pictured below)
To my horror when looking for articles on stripping lead core (the ones i have been using so far where pr-maid meter long lengths) i come across numerous statements and forum posts, mainly on here questioning the safety of it and realising that the last 4 or so times i have been out, i have in fact been using a totally un-safe rig.
being new to all this, i just assume that someone in a tackle shop, on a fishery would want everyone who came through those doors to be fishing safely as at the end of the day, its on there lakes but obviously not!?!
Really this post is just a huge thank you to all in these forums who take the time to explain things in detail so new comers like myself can benefit and keep the sport we all love alive and well and most importantly, keep the fish alive and happy
I tip my hat to you all
I am now a total convert to the non-lead core camp and have ceased to use this from now on
keep up the good work crew