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    southampton, hampshire
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  1. Not really, nothing more than i knew already, and yeah dayvid they are
  2. Hi All, Just wondering what there is to know about Linbrook lake/ Northfield Half pit, as i've already decided i'm going to fish it, just wondering whether there's anything I should know? Cheers, Ben
  3. Just wondering, which is worse out of the two, circus- wise: pingewood or Mill lane??
  4. Thanks, i think that it will be reading angling club and Pingewood or Englefeild when i can figure out a way to get there lol, Thanks anyway guys
  5. Ohh, Ok, Thanks anyway
  6. hmmm, may i ask how big this Sinah fish is? also, i was just wondering whther you know anything about reading angling club??
  7. Hmmm, it looks alright, but whats up with the no publicity rules on some of the waters??
  8. Hmmmm, im having to fit it around college hours so might not be the best choice, baring that in mind, my timetable does have mondays off ? meh, well, ill decide soon
  9. Just wondering whether anyone has fished it, and how easy it is to get onto the ticket as i have just found it on the web and i'm looking for somewhere different to fish next season Thanks in advance
  10. I regularly fish either dark lane or mopley pond, near fawley on the south coast, their both pretty well hidden away, and provide some excellent fishing if you know what your doing, mopley can get packed at the weekends however, due to it being a small lake
  11. im off to hordle for a day on sunday, ill give you feedback if you want?
  12. I fish regularly at mopley pond, down near fawley refinery, on the new forest side of Southampton, you may want to try there?
  13. my dad only had one fish off it when we were there and that was the one he lost, and it WILL stink out your bivvy and any other place you keep it, and we think that dad also lost a cat off it coz it tore off down the lake at a stupid speed, around the island before he even got to it, but thats another story, i would take what ever bait youre used to using and take alot of it, around 3-4 kilos, because i was fishing the cell by mainline and caught fish so the one isnt as good as they make it sound. Btw, nearly everyone there usually uses bait boats, so you will have that to contend with. Also, i had some really funny bite times, so be prepared to leave your rods in throunghout the day as i had both of my fish at around midday ( baring in mind this was july and it was boiling hot ) and urmm, i think thats about all i can give you, i cant think of any more you might need to know, if i do, you will know about it asap. As i have already said, good luck and enjoy yourself, its a nice water
  14. i dont know how its fishing atm, but me and my dad went there for 3 nights last year and he lost one that was pushing 30lb, and i landed 2 fish to 18 lb, but it is a very nice venue with very good facilities so good luck, and i think that you will probaly enjoy yourself * edited for spelling, 21/6/2011
  15. i looked on the korda website a minute ago and found something just like the kd rid but different called the reverse hair rig. i had one on the rig the other day at 9lb, the size 6 kurv shank was nailed right in the bottom lip ! however, i tied it with a normal hari without the rig ring
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