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    Hinckley, Leicestershire

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  1. Hi, Broome Angling Club have some water on the river soar near rothley also carp lakes near frisby, overnight allowed carp up to mid to late 20's, just under £60 for the year (they have a website)
  2. Matt get your head from up your own arse, do you want to make this forum clicky ? what are we supposed to do ? join, ask stupid questions and suck up to you for a month before we are allowed to ask the questions we really want to ? I too wouldn't want to fish anywhere you were fishing if that it your attitude, I for one am here to help others and learn not to bow down to the masters of the forum.
  3. Yeah, I think most of the problems stem from the natural shape of the lake, a lot of swims are angled in such a way that looking out in a straight line crosses over from looking out in a straight from other swims, as you can imagine most people want to chuck to the island. Also with the end near the car park being quite narrow, this also seems to cause problems. Like I said it is a nice place and can fish very well on occasions, just try to pick your times and try to avoid weekends.
  4. Hi, I have fished Hopsford about a dozen or so times over the past year, its a very patchy water, I've blanked there and i've had a dozen doubles in a day, biggest i've had is 20lb 2oz, boilies, pellets seem to work as does sweetcorn in the margins if its quiet. Weekends get very busy, the place gets packed, its a common sight to see lines getting crossed and arguments following, rats have been known to be a problem, especially overnight. My advice would be and I follow it myself now is only fish Wednesday, Thursday & Friday and be gone by fri evening. As it gets hammered over the weekend you can imagine the amount of bait that goes in and it seems to take until midweek to recover, even on a Friday by lunchtime people will be asking how long your staying and will sit and wait for you to pack up !!!! I live in Hinckley just up the road from Hopsford, how far are you away as there are better waters in the area.
  5. Hi, About Hopsford Hall some good fish in there
  6. Hi Laura, Couple of thoughts, you could try Hopsford Hall near Ansty Coventry (not far from Hollyhurst Lakes) or you could try Bishops Bowl near Southam, bit more of a trek but well worth it. Both places you can fish up to 3 rods, no bait restrictions and both would give you a good chance of a new pb, both can be found on the internet, both get busy at weekends if you can get during the week its better. Oh and both have toilets
  7. Hi all, I have to take the wife to Donnington Park next Saturday (18th Aug) to a show so I am looking for somewhere to fish for the day (day ticket of course), I don't mind lake, pond or river the most important criteria is the nearer to Donnington Park the better (less travelling time = more fishing time) !!. Any ideas greatly appreciated. Cheers all Steve (Slick1)
  8. Hi, I usually fish either straight on the bottom with double boillie or pop up about 3 inches off bottom, ive taken most of my fish from either early afternoon or early evening, ive fished most pegs but prefer either 1 or 15 but the chances of getting them at the weekend are slim to say the least. dont ignore the margins as ive had my biggest fish from them, i had 5 20's last year in fact my profile pick is a 20 from peg 15 (its also on the bishops bowl website. Good luck.
  9. Hi All, Hope You All Had A Very Good Christmas And Best Wishes To You All For 2012, May Your Nets be For Ever Wet & Smelly. Can Anybody Please Tell Me Who Owns The Fishing Rights To The River Avon At Little Lawford nr Rugby In Warickshire, I Used To Enjoy Fishing There Many Years Ago But Have No Idea Who Owns It Now But Would Like To Fish It Again.
  10. Yeah except as you can see from pictures its featureless, bottom is flat sand, totally weed free, no snags, holes, bumps or anything but at least i know depths when it is back at its normal level !!!!
  11. Yep will do, i'll be keeping in touch to find out when levels rise and will post as soon as they do.
  12. Hi all, just in case anyone is planning a trip to Earlswood Lake in the next couple of weeks my advice is don't bother, i got up at 5.00am today for a days fishing, arrived and set up at water, first run 9.00am resulting in 9lb mirror but here's the problem, it wasn't until i tried to get fish in that i realised all wan't well, i was well aware that the water level was down by at least 7 to 8 feet but didn't realise there was less than 2 feet left !! Had to wade out 15 yds to land fish and then back to release. started checking depth with marker float and weight and found just over 2 feet in middle by island, 1st island actually has dry land to one side, pegs 30 to 35. only area with anything over 3 feet is down by dam wall but this is closed for repair hence the drop in levels. Hopefully this may save a few others from wasting a day for the next few weeks until work is completed and levels are allowed to rise again.
  13. Got To Agree With Bowza, Drayton is pretty exposed, therefore the wind tends to catch the water more than other waters so fishing with the wind off your back is a good plan, it also makes sense if you plan to fish off the surface (always worth a try at drayton) as the wind will then help to keep a tight line, iv'e found the best method for surface fishing at drayton is to still use your baitrunner and alarms as the takes are usually quite violent, iv'e seen many a rod disappear into the depths !!!
  14. Fished peg 51 along dam wall, tried most methods inc bottom baits, pop-ups, floating baits but had most success with wagler at about 3 foot deep using bread. Yes it is unusual not to catch a lot more at Drayton.
  15. Not a good days fishing at drayton yesterday i only landed 4 fish between 10lb 2oz & 16lb 7oz it was hard going 2 words not usually in the same sentence as drayton !!! the wind was a north easterly which didn't help, not much being caught by anyone, most success was by guys fishing waggler at about 3 ft deep. Bowza it was nice to meet you and have a chat, its good to put a face to a name.
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