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Everything posted by graham1969

  1. Its the deep end mate...... There really arnt any bad pegs though.....It depends on the wind direction from what Im told, And like I said, I was on the wrong end of the wind on my session and everything was caught by those at the other end. The only other thing I was told by the locals was that if its clear and sunny, then zigs fished about a foot from the surface work well on there, I never got a chance to try this though as it teemed down the whole time I was there . I'll let you know how I get on the next session in a couple of weeks mate or if I pick anything else up off the local lads. Graham
  2. Just got back from doing a 48 hr session there........ Blanked lol. It is a good water though....The rule about the bailiff is if you want the catch photographed or recorded then you can ring them and they'll come over and do it for you.....Handy if your by yourself but you dont have to if you dont want to. Everything that was caught in the last 48 hrs (including a 36 lb mirror) was caught from the shallow end of the lake. I was up the other end of course and everyone around me blanked as well. From what I picked up from a few of the local lads and the Bloke who runs it (very nice fella by the way) is pretty much as has already been said ....... Dont pile the bait in, it kills your swim apparently, little PVA bags and single Boilie hookbaits seem to be the ticket.....And apparently the fish really do follow the wind on this lake. Ive booked another session for 3 weeks time on there. Was well impressed witht the place and the blank has just made me more determined to figure the place out lol............ Graham
  3. Wheres North east tackle and supplies based at then mate.?
  4. Nothing North of you mate.....You have to travel south into North Yorkshire, The closest are probably Brickyard (Ripon) and Brafferton. Google Ripon, Thirsk and maybe Catterick.....Other than that your heading to York and Selby !!!!!!!! Brickyard and Brafferton are day ticket only though so no night fishing. Whereabouts you fishing in York. ? Raker lakes???? Graham
  5. Ive only just converted to ESP and they do seem good.....Mind I dont catch big fish so who knows .
  6. Yeah Ive heard this quite a bit about the place mate in the research Ive done. We've decided to give it a miss and try elswhere. Cheers Graham
  7. A bloke 3 pegs down from me on Raker in Yorkshire caught a low 20 on it last week from about 8 foot in his margin. I was using boilies and Blanked....... Ive never used it, but i wished i had some last week
  8. Alright lads, Just a quick question about this venue, I'm thinking of doing a weekend down here shortly and have been looking at it's website, but the catch reports stop in 2008.!!!. Has anyone fished it in the last few years and if so Is it worth the trip down from Newcastle.? Cheers Graham
  9. Good Idea that mate.........
  10. yep good point mate. Theres no real way of testing that though is there. I agree though that theres no way I'l ever leave a pop up on for 30 + hours, Im just leaving it out of curiousity really..... And again its more of a confidence thing in testing the the rig, knowing that the rig sits right even in a tank of water gives you more confidence than tossing it out untried.
  11. Which ones tend to be avoided (drilled) if anyone knows, I'm at the moment water testing a couple of Vision baits 15mm pop ups (unglugged) and theyve been popped up for about 30 hrs now. Im not very experienced with pop ups and would appreciate any advice on what to avoid. I know its a confidence thing but im just not sure I would trust myself to tie on a round bait and still expect it to be on after it hit the water
  12. There arnt any mate, I'm from newcastle too. It's all predominantly match lakes, and fly up here. For what your looking for you have to venture south into Yorkshire. I'm venturing into Yorkshire a lot more this year (or am planning too anyway).
  13. Me too. Looks superb. Bit of a run out from Gateshead mind
  14. was dead easy, i just used the SEARCH button thanx would have been nice too Well in fairness Andy it will be a while before he finishes the phone calls before he can thank you mate.....
  15. Yeah, some of their rules are extreme and pretty pointless to be honest, Thats why I said it's not what you could call a Carp water. In their defence though the couple who built it and own it are pretty new agey type people and they run it more as a wildlife sanctuary than as a fishery buisness, and from what I was told by their wardens so far theyve put almost 2 mill of their own money into it, so for that type of money I suppose you can make as many daft rules as you want
  16. Alright there mate. If your after busy fishing more than speciman fishing to get your eye back in then I'd maybe try the Angel Of the North fisheries in Gateshead. Its just off the A1 at the southern end of Gateshead. It's a really well run fishery (owned by a couple of vets) but check the website because there are quite a lot of rules and they dont allow deviation from them, so it's not what I'd necessarily call a Carp lake but they are by far the predominant fish with some really nice fish in there. I also enjoyed Felton Fence Fishery (about 6 miles outside Morpeth), Again not the biggest fish in the world (upto 10lb) but again good head of fish and quite busy fishing in a really nice setting. They are a lot less rules orientated as well, allowing you to experiment a lot more when trying out what rigs / methods you want to use. To be honest Im not sure there are any out and out specimen lakes in the Newcastle area, If there are and you hear about them let me know mate, cause Im looking at going into Yorkshire more this year for 2/3 day trips.
  17. Alright there Fella's. Just started thinking about where I'd like to try and fish this year. Any recomendations for 3 day/night trips in the Yorkshire area,? Im by no means a seasoned expert Carp angler so really Im looking for good fishing and a nicely picturesque setting to do it in, not necessarily monster specimens. Any recomendations of some nice lakes would be greatly appreciated as Im from the North East and fancy a bit of a travel in my fishing this year. Cheers Graham
  18. Dont know about qe2 Cooky, Ive never heard of it but I'll look it up mate. Any recommendations lads.??
  19. Im from Newcastle mate, from what I gather there's very little up here in terms of Carp lakes and I dont mind a little trip, was looking at Sapphire lakes in Newark, Nottinghamshire as well. Any recomendations would be much appreciated lads as Im pretty new to Carping and would love to try my hand at a few different places.
  20. Alright there everyone. Was just wondering if anyone has fished 3 lakes in Selby.? was impressed by their website and was maybe fancying a couple of days fishing trip there in the next couple of weeks. Is it a well stocked lake, nice place etc etc.
  21. Thanks, Ive just been on the 3 lakes website and quite like the look of that one, Have you fished it Carperjake.? or anyone else and if so any tips......
  22. Hey all, Im hopefully planning a 3 day 2 night trip for next week or the week after, can anyone recommend any good lakes in North Yorkshire.?
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