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Everything posted by scarfbar1

  1. iam going to close this thread by stating that Mirrorpool have contacted me and confirmed that they could put me in touch with people who have had significant success at Meadow lake recently and i do accept this as a statement that maybe it was just down to my bad luck,adverse weather conditions or just my approach to the lake, or indeed all three. I can tell from others who have reported about the lake and Mirrorpool that they are quality company etc and I shall not do a sulk and who knows I think I might try one of their other lakes or even go back to our "dream lake" where we started @ Mayflower with Mirrorpool.
  2. We did not get one run, we fished seven rods, different baits, different rigs, all locations around the lake. Basically we tried all we could without a bite. We saw a large carp jumping about six times in all and hardly anything showed throughout the week. We had varying weather conditions that should have favoured us for some of the days without any success. We also fished for cats during the nights on the seven rods with a halibut pellet on a hair rig with a pva bag full of quality pellets and a dump of pellets around the area in the hope of getting either a carp or cat and we had one cat of 32lb for our whole time. Not much to say really.
  3. Mark, Well we were after both cats and carp especially as the lake is advertised with a good head of both. To be honest we had a very bad time there and I have to wait to get a response from Mirrorpool before I give the company and the lake a bad tag unfairly. I need to understand where the fishing went wrong as it is so easy to blame the lake when we all know the are many other factors involved that effect the outcome. cheers
  4. Hi mrs rusheslake, Yes I have made contact with the owner and he is currently on hols and so I shall also e-mail him. I had previously been to Mayflower back in 2004 and 2005 and the time my son, his friend and I had was a dream. It was on this basis that I returned to the same company, but with a change of venue. Be assured I have stated the situation with the cats exactly as my thread says, but please bear in mind that at this juncture I am not suggesting anything other than we had a torrid time of fishing that can & may transpire that with weather conditions and who knows moon phase etc this may be the reasons. But the keeping of a large cat (84lb) by the bailief for almost a week in a keepnet (photos's taken) did shock me, let alone made us fed up as we could only manage one 32lb cat with so much hard work put into it. One of my many gripes is that we were told on our arrival that some big ones had been removed but don't worry. The rest is history and we are a disgruntled bunch of three guys who have shed hard earned cash for no return. :(
  5. Andy, Here's a tip. Generally you need to travel some way down to fish quality lakes as the ones within 2 hrs of Calais have been hammered by weekend carpers. I have done a bit of fishing in France and can recommend one decent lake at Azat Chatenet run by James. Its a 5 acre lake with so much quality and a good head of carp and cats. He and his family are the business and if you want help you'll get it and if you want to be left alone you get that too. What more can I say......
  6. Well I do have a lot to say but it may seem subjective so for the moment I'll stick to the cats as you've mentioned them: We arrived on the 24/7 to be greeted by Wayne the Baileth. He had a 84lb cat in a keepnet (kept in this for almost a week) and this was going to be sold to a fish farmer like many before previously because "they had too many in the lake". I was obviously unsure of this and he assured us not to worry there are loads more cats to be caught. Bear in mind the lake is advertised with a 100 cats , with many over 60lb. We used 7 rods in total in 6 days using both livelies and quality halibuts with bucket loads of freebie halibuts and caught just 1 32lb cat over the whole period. We could not hear 1 cat at night until the last day we were there and we were asked to release the 84lb cat. Fishing and success is down many factors and one's assessment is to be regarded as subjective without the facts , but I can say that all the lakes I have fished for cats you hear the activity when the sun's gone down but not at Meadow lake so make your own mind up here.
  7. Hi - Has anyone fished Meadow Lake in Vergnas France in 2010? I would like to have a response so I can make a valid judgement on our recent experience and not take a subjective view. Thanks
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