Hi mrs rusheslake,
Yes I have made contact with the owner and he is currently on hols and so I shall also e-mail him. I had previously been to Mayflower back in 2004 and 2005 and the time my son, his friend and I had was a dream. It was on this basis that I returned to the same company, but with a change of venue.
Be assured I have stated the situation with the cats exactly as my thread says, but please bear in mind that at this juncture I am not suggesting anything other than we had a torrid time of fishing that can & may transpire that with weather conditions and who knows moon phase etc this may be the reasons. But the keeping of a large cat (84lb) by the bailief for almost a week in a keepnet (photos's taken) did shock me, let alone made us fed up as we could only manage one 32lb cat with so much hard work put into it. One of my many gripes is that we were told on our arrival that some big ones had been removed but don't worry.
The rest is history and we are a disgruntled bunch of three guys who have shed hard earned cash for no return.