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Everything posted by gr8white

  1. mainly carp to 30lb in both but the larger lake 11acres has a mixed bag some lovely roach rudd tench big pike etc !
  2. just wondered if you had made any progress in your search to lease a lake ? i have 2 lakes in the midlands area Evesham and thats my life now runnung the 2 ! if you ever what a chat or any advice them pm me always willing to help !!
  3. you need to take a look at The Vale in Evesham just re opened !nice head of fish to 30lb 11acres well worth a visit !!
  4. www.rookerymeadowcarpfishery.co.uk say no more !
  5. Open this weekend for a Bank Holiday taster !work is still on going but come have a look around or get booked on just £10 day session £15 24hrs !
  6. Your get a day ticket on Rookery meadow this time of year mate !!
  7. www.rookerymeadowcarpfishery.co.uk got a face book page to and exclusive hire !!
  8. Rookery Meadow !!!!!!
  9. www.rookerymeadowcarpfishery.co.uk try this place mate !
  10. Considering the sub zero temps through jan rookery produced many good doubles biggest being a 18lb fully scaled !Adrian lazerus from broadway had 11 runs landing 6 again all good doubles in a day session gr8 angling .check out the web site WWW.ROOKERYMEADOWCARPFISHERY.CO.UK And our face book page which are reg updated for more great info ! plus we have great early season deals available through feb and march plus with the weather on the change the rookery carp will soon be on the munch !!!
  11. You would of done better going up the road to ROOKERY MEADOW much better !
  12. Hi all and a HAPPY NEW YEAR this is our 1st year open at rookery and we are really looking forward to seeing a few of you on our banks this year !please check out the website to see what we are all about ! we have a great new stock many of which are un caught !good deals available for early bookings parties of up to 5 any packages available just call and ask .regard kev .
  13. If you hit the midlands check out our place mate www.rookerymeadowcarpfishery.co.uk near evesham we open new this year !depending on what you want will do you some sort of deal !! give us a call regards kev
  14. Now taking bookings for next year ! please phone to book or ask any details on KEV 01329 284038 //07891836478
  15. Now taking bookings for next year ! please phone for details . KEV 01329 284038 //07891836478 .
  16. Work starts next month ! please call KEV 07891836478 // 01329 284038 if you require any further info thanks .
  17. Hi mark firstly the whole place is being given some much needed TLC new paths ,swims etc really manicuring everything right round !Our new fish stock will not be introduced till the end of the year and the begining of next year so wont be open till feb /march .The lake will be open to a max of 5 on an exclusive basis from wat ever package suits them best ie 7 to 2 days . 24 hr sessions could be available but only on request ! you would need to phone and be booked on . thanks for your interest KEV
  18. work starts next month !! if your interested in knowing our plans please call KEV / 07891836478.
  19. yeah its a stunning little water !and been let go big time .but theres gonna be a lot of work done to the place over the next few months and like i said a good new stock of carp this lake needs to be brought back to its old best like it deserves :and i for 1 cant wait !!
  20. under new managment now gonna be all done up and a new stock of fish going in !
  21. think they had a bit of a problem a while ago cos every 1 was leaving loads of rubbish everywhere !the guy who had it has let it really .go its still owned by the same people but gonna be under a new management !they got big plans for this lake so watch this space !!
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