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Everything posted by gnorty

  1. As far as I know there is no day ticket access, and yes, the PDAS membership covers all lakes
  2. One sweltering afternoon the carp were all sitting in the top layer, and I had no floating bait with me so I went to the on-site shop to see what flaoting baits they sold, and they had nothing either so, next best was anything that floats, so I picked up a pack of rainbow drops (those sugary puffed rice multicoloured sweets) and the carp loved them! very hard to keep on the hook, as they went soggy immediately, but I got some sport from an otherwise dead session
  3. mbk have some lovely waters to fish, and at least one has chalets you can rent out. mbkleisures.co.uk - check it out. the prices are pretty reasonable considering they include the cost of fishing.
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