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  1. morning all now getting myself sorted for a 24hr stint on sndi number one. weathers shocking here today, so waterproofs are definately going on before i leave gonna be trying out some armamesh with tuna, corn and peri peri muscles amongst other little treats on at least two rods. the last two waters i've fished has either produced missed takes, or landed fish. got a feeling hooks were too small hence missed takes.
  2. close to kings lynn? its just off the A11 near Thettofd, heading towards snetterton. 8.5 acres. not the prettiest of waters, but good services and stock sounds good too. check out the website.
  3. Give dayle a call. looks and sounds promising. be good to see another new face down there too
  4. evening had a walk round another water today - another farm reservoir, which is being used for extraction at the moment. its well down on the expected level. its just a big bowl, slope in one corner where access was used during the soil removal. stock sounds around the same as current syndi, but its a third of the size, and they arent as big on average. 20's and 30's though - nice stamp of fish saw around 10 fish in the margins whilst there, all high doubles, definately 1 twenty too.
  5. going for a viewing this afternoon. good price until dec '12. owner sounds lke decent fellow, stocks not huge, bout the same as current syndi with less water (ok, fish arent as big either on average) 45 mins from home, not too bad
  6. afternoon either of you fishing highbridge? going for a look this afternoon with Dale. any details appreciated brian
  7. just checked it out. looks good. may well give dale a call tomorrow and see if i can get a walk round the lake. also keen to know how busy it gets. i dont mind fri or sat night. fridays busier on my syndicate, so now tend to do sat nights instead. want a second water badly, and not day ticket. value for money is essential! did a day ticket near thetford last year off the A11. thats now a syndicate too. might be on my list for next year.
  8. no, nothing, but i'll ask about and see if i can find anything out. i'll check the website myself next. fancy somewhere new this weekend. really fancy a 48hr stint somewhere. its been four weeks since i banked anything. but, those two weekends were good. 6 on the bank, and 2pb's. cant complain. three blanks since tho.
  9. did a 24hr stint on tazwoods heron....blanked. out of the seven people who were there from friday till sun am, only one fish out. too many people fishing it perhaps? there was a nother four at least further down that i could see. could have been more. definately off somewhere new next weekend at some point i think, time to start the scouting for next year too.
  10. seems like theres several fishing there this year. hows it fishing? for 70 a year seems like a bargain.
  11. nice one. yeah, dents is good for a bit of action innit! yes, have to be fishing farely well locked up down there and sitting rod on the rods. they do get proper angry those carp of mr dents.. bradmore? gonna google it now and see whats happening. fancy a change this weekend-not sure where yet though. might do swangey, or taswood. might give bradmore a go yet though. anyone out this weekend?
  12. hi kev - come on then, what ya know?
  13. just checked out bainton. nice one. 15th of may, my reminder is set already... cheers
  14. afternnon all so, hows the fishing been going for you all this summer (?? ) then? the syndicate i joined out near ely has so far only given me three - all in a 48 hour session - 24, 23, 19lb. two mirrors, one common. the other x6 24hr sessions have seen two missed takes, and thats it. still, got my pb at 24lb 7oz. did an early morning session on dents farmshop three sats ago - got up at three and fishing by 4. man, did it rain! had x3 out up to 15lb. theres some big ghosties in there, but damned hard off tonight for 24hours. i'll report back tomorrow
  15. evening gents, thanks for getting back i'm on a farm reservoir at the moment, near ely, cambs. 18 acres and around 250carp - 20's mostly, 7 known 30's. nice water, definately keeping hold of the ticket for the long term as the fish are stunning, and with age, they're gonna put on weight too. lots lots weed..... i'm certainly not looking for a rock hard water, i wanna be banking fish more often than not -but i aint greedy. definately not another large farm res', i'd prefer tree's, lilly beds, weed, reeds.... something to target, other than banging out beds of food into clear spots. open waters great, dont get me wrong, but a change on another good water is what i'm after. ok, theres plenty of day waters out there, but can get over run with line everywhere. greedy water keepers are a menace.... my local day waters a challenge as i know there's +30lb ghosties in there - i caught em when they were high teens over 20 years ago. i watch em , but they're smart them ghosties. biggest one out last year (and the only big un) was 36lb of perfect ghost. but, it can get too busy. especially as its mostly course fishing. i've put my name down for stanwicks - but its a four year waiting list. something needed for next season really. speak soon
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