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Everything posted by thehaganizer

  1. pretty much yeah... Robo
  2. Anyone fished here?... This is Dorchester on Thames, not Dorset Dorchester.... Robo
  3. Fished it for the last couple of years and had a few out of wicky mate... If you still interested then drop me a PM and might be able to give you a few pointers... Also, depending on where you are based might be able to suggest some other waters around there... Robo
  4. Korda Choddy or ESP Stiff Rigga Robo
  5. None most of the time now.. But depends, cos I do like the leaders and leadcore.. but never use tubing as it always seems such a pain haha Robo no swearing, even with asterix's
  6. Anyone now any decent waters around the Aber area? I know of Celtic lakes and don't really fancy that as have heard some dodgy things about it.. but have found one other lake out here, wondering if anyone knows of any others? Cheers Robo
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