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youngcarper94 last won the day on February 10 2017

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About youngcarper94

  • Birthday 09/08/1994

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  1. Guy i know fished here and had 4 20s in a day so it must be fishing alright
  2. My end of the lake is quiet to be honest. I have a whole body of water and a corner to myself. Found a bit of gravel and not long put a pva bag on it. Fish are still crashing but not as much showing as yesterday. No one is catching to be honest
  3. Got the zigs and chods out. Thet are having non of it still. Far to weedy and silty in my peg for bottom baits but still another 24 hours to go
  4. Got the zigs and chods out. Thet are having non of it still. Far to weedy and silty in my peg for bottom baits but still another 24 hours to go
  5. Well im currently on mallard in a peg next to entrance. The wind is banging in my face and i saw plenty of fish swirling and crusing in front of me. There was about 10 or 15 fish just crusing around not having any of it and i ive been done by a few fish but still days to go
  6. If i use a choddy if try a wafter or bottom bait with balanced corn to mimminc the spread of boilies and particals ill put over it. Gonna try what ever i can and fish for a bite at a time
  7. thank you kev, you've been a real eye opener. i think ill get there early friday morning and have a good walk around. i never like to fish to clean of a spot because well everyone else does so the fish seem to just expect a bait there. i love fishing in silt with a pva bag and wafters as hook baits. spod a bit of particles over to get the grubbing even more then they would on naturals and its just something that works for me. (i regularly fish a very high pressured lake) just going to give it my all and even if i blank i know ill enjoy my time there and will end up going back. might even just keep it very light in the day time and just walk round with some tackle and a two rod set up fishing empty pegs for an hour then moving on to any showing fish then settle down and stick a 3rd rod on the evening.
  8. Id like to fish kingfisher or swan im not bothered about a blank but in open to fish any of the other waters. I like a challenge and if i only get one out ill be happy im not after a big hit if anything id like to catcg my first 30. Im pretty confident in my ability and my gear to handle some serious lumps. Ill be travelling as light as possible but my mrs is going to be with me so to much moving will end up in a hissy fit but in happy to take myself off for a few hours. I do have a floater set up to do some stalking and i plan on fishing with sticks mixes.splid pva bags and stringers with most likely using glugged cell wafters. Im planning on using a bit of hemp and maize and corn to keep them grubbing and in my swim as much as possible but ill spod small and every now and then say 2-3 midi spombs every 4 hours. I also have chod and zig set ups to fish over weed and find them in the upper layers if it gets a little warm im covered for anything to be honest
  9. hi mate, i've kinda gathered some information myself by ringing up and looking on photos and videos i can see its gin clear water, quite deep in parts, lots of gravel and lots of weed and silt and they love cell alot . what do you know about fish movements? do they seem to follow the wind or hang around the back of it? any pegs on certain lakes i should be on the look out for? how do they respond to big beds of bait? so many questions i could ask so i'm just going to say fire away with anything you feel i should really know or even want to give away that is.
  10. Looked at some videos and it looks gin clear. Weedy with a lot of gravel features and i know mainline cell works well im just wondering if any other members are likely to fish there often
  11. Hi guys im off to bluebells friday for a 48 hour and in wondering if you lot could give me as much advice as posdible about any of the main carp lakes. Kingfisher. Swan. Bluebell. Sandamadtin etc
  12. well strangely my mrs has told me to risk it all with the car so I've picked bluebells, one of my child hood dreams. ill settle for a 48 hour blank just for the fact of being there
  13. fishing friday till sunday then off to the pub as soon as the gear is back in the lock up. i have a habit of breaking my pb on significant birthdays i.e 12th, 16th etc. on my 18th it was 25lb so who knows i might get treated to a 30 on my 21st!
  14. i think you guys seem to think I'm looking for some easy water where i drop a line in and out pops a fish? im just looking for a nice venue to go fishing for my 21st venue. Hench why I'm being very picky and want to go for the best possible option i can go for. there are lots of lakes i'd love to visit but due to car being on the blits I'm very hesitant of traveling to far out my way. not fancying my birthday weekend being spend on the roadside waiting for the AA and watching the very precious 48 hours i have go to waste
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