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Everything posted by mrcarp
Hi Guys, Im after a venue with accomadation for 2 families, for the summer holiday period, so from 22nd july to the following 6 weeks. Can anyone recomend a venue, with good fishing and good facilities for children etc? Thanks in advance.
Shocker! I love it, got me quite exited that has. Do you know where to purchase this product? just checked ebay , you can get it for about 4 quid, all different colours and flavours. im gonna have some fun with this stuff Good lad, im getting on it. Got sooo many ideas for using it! sweet.
Shocker! I love it, got me quite exited that has. Do you know where to purchase this product?
A chapter that Ken Townley wrote in Tim Paisleys Big Carp shows how rigs are almost irrelevant in a fishing situation. He tied a rig up as he had been shown at Savay, so I presume it was the original Savay Looney rig, the extended hookshank being achieved by a length of tubing, and fished it on his local water. The carp in the lake were able to eject the hook on many occasions, in fact he had less than 50% hook-up. He tried again, by changing the pattern, still not effective. He then went back to his standard set-up, which I believe from memory was a critically balanced bait with the hair extension tag being used to hold the counterweight. That rig landed most of the takes he had on that water, and he had been watching pick-ups to runs and ejection from above the water. Now the KD rig is just the current fashion rig that the magazines are publishing, its slightly different from the knotless knotted rig. Yet years ago when Jim Gibbinson was playing with rigs in an attempt to recreate the effects of the Bent Hook rig that was causing damage he found that by using what has become termed the "Line aligner", he converted far more pick ups than a standard hook tied on with a hair. The Line aligner has faded out of fashion, maybe because the knotless knot is easy to tie and in theory the hook should turn, flip and get a hookhold, especially with the curved shank patterns we are using. Now I fully admit that at the moment the rigs I'm using are far more complicated than the KD rig, strange, considering I'm the person who started the "Complicated rigs" thread , and I will also say , that if you create or tie a rig, then in most cases the reason it often fails is because the feeding situation is not in such a state to get the fish feeding comfortably, as a result many rigs are not working as effectively as they could. Well said that man. I agree that confidence levels play a massive part in how effective are rigs work etc. Its a really interesting subject and nice to hear what others think about it. Iv had a few tough sessions where the carp are being cute! A simple change to a running rig and the buzzers screaming! Whats this complex rig your using then? be nice and share!
I was never that good at school! Spent to much time bunking off fishing. Spallong wos never somfing i wos good at.
As iv just said, written wrong.
I knew someone would pick up on how i wrote that! Critical bait combined with the hair and the way its tied. Is dynamite available online these days? May need some at this rate.
It is one of those! Haha the mechanics of the kd rig do work exactly as i described! Lalala Im on the bank trying to winkle one out so must get back on it! Maybe i should try a different rig cos the fish arnt havin it!
I know by changing things on my rigs, on the day, get me reults! Steve renyard is a genius when it comes to rigs! I dont think he'd have the results he has if it wasnt for his thinking angler approach. Iv fished with him and i can tell you now, He has more rig ideas then you could ever imagine. Some seem crazy but they put fish on the bank. And big fish!
Im not a fan of korda but just watch the underwater footage and you'll clearly see how fish 'get away with it' KD rig sends that hookbait further in the mouth and at greater pace then other rigs, the position of the hair enables that hook to turn and take hold far more effective then a standard knotless knot. Never once said that basic rigs arnt effective and if yoir catching then why change a thing. Proof is in the pudding as they say.
Yep i'll agree with that! Watercraft and bait location. There is no getting away from the fact that carp get away with it more then you think. The KD rig has caught me fish that perhaps a basic rig wouldnt have. FACT. Rig mechanics and new ideas are v ery welcome in my world of fishing.
I dont get why so many people complicate these ideas!! It isnt a complex rig by any means! The hookhold is different pretty much every time you use this rig. Thats because the mechanics of it enable the hook to flip and turn. That coupled with the aggresive angle the hook sits at! Its a good rig and used right is deadly. If your unsure how to tie it then find a diagram of it. As said before tye korda website shows it clearly!
Hi mate, iv been meaning to get back to you. So flippin busy working and trying to find money for france! I am jammy i guess, 3 rd trip this year! to be honest iv not been doing much fishing here in the uk. Not got anything here that interests me to ne honest! I do have some info on clib down here that'll be of interest to you. I'll pm you and let you know. Got offered a ticket on new forest but they wanted over £600 :0 may be worth it next year when there's some 40s to go at. This lake in france is just shy of 60 acres ans quite a low stocking so could be a chalenge! Hope your keeping well. Nath
Hi guys, Would anyone have any info on the Labrinth (which is one of kevin maddocks lakes? Lots and lots to read on Mar Peche as its well known but no alot on the labrinth. Im off the in 2 weeks so would be good to get some backround info on it. Thanks.
Hello all you lovely people! Iv searched long and hard for info on these lakes, and although iv read an awfull lot and certainly know more than i did an hour ago. Id really like to find out how these lakes are now.? There are lots of threads written on here and to be honest they all seem very negative! Any info would be appreciated.
Iv fished it lots! £1500 is alot of money but i can tell you now its worth every penny! The fish in there are growing at incredible rates, more so now because of all the good quality bait that goes in. They have now lost count of the amouth of 40s in there. Not an easy water as some people say, but you can have big hits on there if you fish it right. It is loaded with the green stuff but to be honest it should be embraced. Once youv got your head around fishing in and around the weed you'll reap the rewards. No place like it, i would say its as near to a french water as you'll get. (so bear in mind what a week away would cost you for that) It is a country park but to be honest you can hide yourself away quite easily (doesnt bother me when im fishing for a potential 50!
Has anybody fished the said lake? Looks awsome, sounds awsome but would like to hear from the guys who have fished it in the past! I know about the dvd and ultimate etc, is the stocking what they say?
Hi guys, just thought id sharse a few pics from a recent trip to meadow lake. It was a very tough weeks fishing, but managed to winkle a few out! 42,12 mirror 40,02 mirror 37, 12 common 43,08 mirror The biggest Carp at 47,12 The 1st fish of the session was an unintended quarry but non the less, very welcome! A 45 min scrap and this beauty was on the bank. At minus 5 at night and 02,30 in the morning i really shoud have been in warmer clothes when exiting bed. It was ******* freezing stood there for 2o mins in my boxers, untill a mate came to recue me and dress me! LOL LESSON LEARNT THERE! 76, 00 catfish And finally a view from my swim. A stunning lake, and an excelent week away, i will be back in september for one of the stunning 50s. Nathan.
Hi guys, can someone please tell me how to upload pictures for a catch report? i canne work out how its done! Thanking you!
Hi mark, finally got the fish having it! I had 3 fish last night. 40.08 mirror, 36.00 mirror and a cat about 30. Looking good for the last few days! I'm fishing swim 14 on the south bank. Wicked water, but a little harder than I thought. There very cute! Had to work hard for them! I think the fish have thought, and perhaps tried to spawn but we keep having cold nights which I should imagine is stopping them! Silver fish spawn all over my lines, so they've certainly had a go!
I'm in limoges now, not seen any spawning behaviour as yet! 1st night on landed 76lb cat and 37.12 commmon and one of only very few! Happy days.
Well if they are spawning when we go, we could walk right up to them and pick them out of the water. take a quick photo (probably get lots of slaps around the face from a very lively fish) return it and take the glory! haha.......Im told by a freind who breads fish in the uk that the temp would need to be 22 degrees for the spawn to survive! And the fish would not spawn before this, iv known fish to spawn late april in the uk so this is more likely in the warmer parts of france.
At a guess id say maybe possibly rusheslake??? haha I dont know if there is a lake by that name but by the sarcasm your ooosing in that last message.
Hi mrs rusheslake, How are you? are you a lake owner? Hopefully we'll get a response from the very knowlegable guys on here! Im sure that these things affect the way the carp re-act with regards to spawning. I find it a pleasure to watch fish spawn, you get to see them when there completley unaware of everything thats on around them. Maybe even have one out whilst there unaware! Here's hoping!
There are areas of 2-3 foot in told! Guess i'll just have to wait and see. Whatever happens it'll be an amazing trip. I love just being by a lake, peace and quiet watching the world go by.