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  1. If i were to use a simple paternoster setup with a small pva bag of freebies on the hook would I end up with a tangled mess ? I'm only needing to cast around 50 yards and like the sensitivity of the paternoster
  2. Dont get caught up in "rigness" I did last year and spent more bloomin time tying rigs than I did landing fish going back to a nice and simple running rig with just enough weight on to cast where I need to. All the magazines say their "wonder rig " will help you catch the most wary and intelligent carp, I'm quite happy though to catch the thickest carp in the lake
  3. pop into halfords as you'll need a spare bulb set, headlamp converters (if you take these off carefully after you can reuse them with d/sided tape)a warning triangle and a high vis tabard per person, got a list in halfords of all you need for each country, not sure but you may also need a stick with a little white flag on top
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