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Everything posted by simsima

  1. Thanks ZCZC (wierd name btw). I've had a look and it looks interesting - I've dropped them a line so we'll see...! will post if I get results.
  2. Thanks Andrew - I'd apreciate it. I'm going to be here all summer so welcome any serious suggestions (have not been having much luck round me... ) Ideally I need pins on a map - does anyone know if there is such a 'holy grail' document of the area. Maybe Google do something but I've had no luck fishing for onne of those either (maybe I'm just plum out of luck!)
  3. Hi - I'm new here so first I'll just say a general 'ow do, and a doff of the cap... Next up, I'm looking for good fishing in South West France - BUT - I don't want to use the comercial fishing lakes. I want to fish wild. Does anyone have any tips as to how I'd find the best spots?
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