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Everything posted by andytuppen

  1. cheers mate! If i made a nice curve with something could i steam it then? How long do you steam it for before you ruin the line?
  2. The one thing I will say, and sorry Emmcee, personal experience has taught me NEVER to use Leadcore again. Andy, there are plenty of leadcore threads round at the moment, with other links available that I recommend you look at. The general advice is to avoid leadcore, and more and more anglers are hopefully getting the message that it is risky stuff and should not be used in fishing. Thanks, i shall have a gander. DO i just run my fingers down the hooklink to make the bend or do i steam it? How do you steam anyway including steaming shrink tubing not that im using it on this rig but for future refrence as im making all my own rigs now. Thanks!
  3. Thanks lads good detailed posts their that helped alot!!
  4. Yeh i have just bought some of that tripwire, seems pretty good! what knot do you use to tie the tripwire onto the flexi swivel then?
  5. Tying chod rig for first time. How much istance should their be between the two flexi beads either side of the chod rig itself? And approx on average how far should the first flexi bead be away from the lead? and what know would you use to tie the stiff link to the flexi swivel? THANKS
  6. Nice one mate, will give it a go! Just waiting for my materials to arrive can't wait to make my own now!
  7. Thanks guys! So do i take the coating off to do the whole knotless knot and hair? thanks
  8. Hi, I have looked at the search box etc and can find bits of what i want but not precisley what i want. I am going to tie a simple knotless knot using coated braid then a bit of shrink tubing over the eye. My first question is: Do I un coat the braid to do the whole knotless knot, hair and about an inch up the mainline, then put my shirink tubing over it? and my 2nd question is, how much skrink tubing do you use? Is it from the eye of the hook to where the hook starts to bend and then the same distance from the eye of the hook up the main line? and my 3rd question is When i steam the shrink tubing do i just pull it at baisically a 45 degree angle? and my 4th question is, how long would you say to have the average hair for 1 18mm boilie? Obviously I will change the length as and when but for now what would you have the length as not knowing what lake im fishing next... Please answer all questions if poss as its my first time Ive made my own and would like to get it right 1st time! Thanks alot!!! p.s- sorry for the long post i just really want to get this right!
  9. Fill the bag up by about half an inch, put te lead in it, then fuill it up more, tie the bag around the lead. Prick a few holes in if its full of air and that works for me
  10. try charity farm near wrightington! Its one of my fav day ticket waters Catch at least 2 10lbers when i go sometimes the odd over 15lber too! WHen you park up go to the lake next to the carp park not the massive one cus thats for members but the smaller one next to it, the first one you come too as their are a couple in their. Also fairtree fishery which is in the same facinity is a good place, they have sturgeon in their too! Hope this helps but I really would try these places!!!!
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