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Posts posted by slimysime

  1. Don't bother with the place pal £250 for the season. Two thirty in there over 75 acres with probably only 150 fish in there. No toilets. Bloke who runs it is a money grabbing Muppet and ain't bothered about the fisherie wotsoever oh yeah there's a otter or two to contend with as well. My honest opinion..... stay well clear. Looks a lovely place but looks can be deceiving... think there's a bit on facebook about it. Please check it out first

  2. Cheers jamie when my lad gets home ill ask him to put them up, theres a video of the fish as well which is awesome you cant judge the size until it turns on its side then you get to se how big it really is :D

  3. Yep! We had those frogs too, they sounded like Predator from the movies going all night! I also made the mistake of turning a white headlamp on at night the day the mozzies appeared in droves, think my face was covered by the things within about 5 seconds! :evil:


    I'm almost certain we returned with about 30'000 of those ants in our rod bags and kit as well :)

    i set my bivvy under a weeping willow and all night i had it dripping on my bivvy, frogs croaking, mozzies biteing, it almost pushed me over the top :D

  4. Couple of days while there pal hit mid 20's, feet in the lake drinking cold beer and steak baguettes :D but oh my god the frogs at night drove me mad, along with the mozzies :shock: and if your listening coops the ants you warned me about earlier they are evil things, but all in all a great experience one i shall never forget :D

  5. Well lads im back home in sunny england :shock::) we arrived at the lake sataday to find conditions perfect, we wer'nt at the lodge looking out at the lake more than two minutes when a huge lump popped up no more than 40 yards out :lol: , well i picked my swim which looked very very carpy, no runs or even liners for two days so after having a walk around the lake and spotted a few huge fish moving about and decided to move, by this time some of the lads were catching every day 40's 50's and tues a 60 came out and i still had'nt caught by thursday i still had'nt caught anything and was considering hanging myself with some 45lb braid from the nearest tree, i decided to go for a little mooch receiver in hand to see if i could spot one amongst the snags when my left rod screemed off, 10 minutes later a 32lb mirror was on the bank :D:D finally i could relax, the lads did the vids/photos and doused my with bucket of water, nothing came out friday but sataday morning 3 hours before i was due to go my middle rod which had been out without moving it for two days over a baited spot on a cell pop up screemed off, after a huge battle in the dark imanaged to slip the net under a fish, after taking out the hook and making it safe i still did'nt know the weight putting her on the scales the reubens wound round to 50,3oz, :shock::D:D three hours to go and ive managed to land a 50, oh my god ive hit the 50 club, to say i was happy is a underestatment im still buzzing now, photos will follow cheers lads :wink:

  6. HH just a quikie why dont you go on the tunnel, were goin fri for a week and the tunnel crossing is £130 return, also if nyouve got a smartphone get a french translation app free, as said before take bacon and buy fags over there along with stella, im not counting here but ive got 84 hrs and 35 minutes and can't wait, the lad had the big girl out there 4 weeks ago at 71lb, but it came out again last week at 75lb :shock:

  7. we live here and have done for 4 years now at Genesis lake , we drink the water and it's fine ,other then the twinges :lol: na mate it's fine


    lol ill have to water it down with huge amounts of nelson mandella :D:D

  8. One week away from all the ear ache of modern life, sitting on a beut lake cold stella in hand and the chance off a pull from a whacker as well, it wont be all good all the time though, we'll have to reel in most nights so we can have steaks and fresh salad, followed by cold lagers, oh god im not looking forward to it one bit :shock::D:D

  9. As some of you may be aware im off to france in two weeks, if none of you do your the only one in england who dos'nt :D im well up for it now, 1st time in france, fishing that is, i went with the school when i was 13, many many moons ago :shock: ive got everything squared away already bait passport etc etc, ive gone over everything over and over, my question is everyone, Water, is the water in france drinkable or do i need to buy some bottled over there, or take some sterelising tablets with me, any advise will be great and who knows i might bag a 30 :shock::D

  10. so would you put a new hook on after landing a fish or just re sharpen it?

    and does it not weaken the hook?


    Good point pal, me i.d probably change the hook alltogether, but does playing a fish put excessive pressure on a hook to the point of breaking :?:

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