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Everything posted by ralphj

  1. Hi Matt, was interested in this lake a year or so ago, contacted the guy about the place and the average size of the fish. He gave me a load of bull about the average size, reading reports on other forums about what had been caught it was clear that the average by what had been caught was about 15lb not the 30lb odd he had told me. Since then I've not bothered with reports of Poisson chat being rife until things change I decided to look elsewhere.
  2. Just a word Pat when you write in Capitals it gives the impression that you are shouting. Just a hint mate...
  3. Is it just me being a bit suspicious or is there a hell of a lot of first timers on here asking for advice on Bounty lakes. Instead of starting new threads all the time why not look before you post and use the thread that is already open. Or is it Bounty trying to drum up business as I noticed on another forum they are cutting their prices.
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